








  Is telling the truth always a better policy than telling a lie?
  As with most rules, the maxim that “honesty is always the best policy” has its own exceptions. In one situation in my life, a brief volunteering opportunity at a local hospice, I gave a one-word lie, and it imPACted favorably an old woman for the rest of her life.
  The region of the hospice I volunteered at involved me taking care of and easing the lives of terminally ill patients (who, of course, did not have communicable diseases) . It was a quiet winter day, the outside field barren and white with frost, birds on the lone, naked tree silent in respectful contemplation. The room, though hospitable and full of contrasting amenities compared to the stark harshness of the outside,contained however the same mournful atmosphere as the winter field. The warm light,brightly flashing TV, crisply clean sheets, peaceful green wallpaper-all's assurance could not smother the insecurity of one gray-haired little lady. She sat under the white sheets; the indescribable sad mood of the room seemed to almost completely emanate from her.
  “Excuse me…young man, is my son coming to see me? ”
  The sheet the doctor showed me in the lobby about Mrs. Kurlantzic said that she had perhaps a few days to live, perhaps less. There was also a list of visitors and expected visitors, stapLED and clipped in a clipboard on the front desk. No one had called in the past month to visit Mrs. Kurlantzic.
  She coughed lightly. “Is he coming? He is, isn't he? He's coming to see me? ” I had been with this old lady before; she always welcomed us with a smile, but her first question was if her son was coming to see her. In the few months I've been volunteering here, there hasn't been a time I recollected that her son, if he existed, had come.
  Outside, the chilly wind whistled. The lone, bare tree swayed. What should I answer? Given the lady's frail state, she might not live that much longer. I only volunteered on the weekends; I might not see her again-and her last memory of me may be as a denial to her, a refusal of her true wish.
  “Yes, ” I said. She smiled and closed her eyes.
  It was reflective of human being's plight, the desperate need of another to affirm our own fantasies. I lied, plain and simple. Outside, the birds I thought were once mute chirped melodiously. The next time I went to the hospice, a nurse told me Mrs.
  Kurlantzic had died. She died happily, the nurse also told me, peacefully.
  Though one human being's life may be insignificant on a grand scale, in this small act of breaching a policy of honesty, my lie helped assuage an old lady and was the better policy.
  我过去也和这位老妇人呆过,她始终用微笑欢迎我们,但她的第一个问题总是问她的儿子是否会来看她。在这里做志愿服务的过去几个月里,我从来没有见过她的儿子来探视,如果确有其人的话。   外面,寒风呼啸,孤零零的枯树摇曳着。我应该如何回答她呢?从她那虚弱的状态看,她也许活不了多久。我只在周末的时候做志愿服务;我也许就再也不会见到她了——那么,她关于我的后记忆便是我对她的真诚心愿给予否认。
  以上就是关于善意的谎言的SAT作文范文,珠海启德教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧   [Grade: 6/6]Instruction's Comments:

  I would give your old lady dying story a 6. It's your best essay-it combines your strength (elaboration) with a very good, very relevant example. If you can do something like that again I would recommend it. The old lady dying, since it is only one, real, strongly developed example, would set you apart from the other papers, which is both good and risky, but overall, good.
  Reading through this again, I am still convinced that this was your best standardized test essay to contained a few grammatical errors-you are not especially consistent in your tense (“In the few months I've been volunteering here, there hasn't been a time I recollected that her son, if he existed, had come. ”), but that just goes to show that a paper need not be error free to get a perfect score. I like the same things that I liked before: the paper displays an actual writing style, and your one example is relevant, thoughtfully developed, and has a clear moral. Most impressive, though, is your use of dialogue,the way you've peppered it into the story to break up the elaboration (which, although a bit much at times, is good; it is better to go overboard with details than to have few) . Your paper displays a level of sophistication that is very rare-I cannot imagine any grader giving you less than a 6 for this one.   得分:6/6辅导老师评语:
  当再一次通读这篇作文时,我依然相信这是到目前为止你比较好的标准考试练习作文。文中有几个语法错误:时态上没有保持一致。“In the few months I've been volunteering here, there hasn't been a time I recollected that her son, if he existed, had come.”不过,它正好告诉你:一篇文章不需要一个缺点都没有才可以获得满分。我仍然喜欢我喜欢过的同样的东西:作文表现了一个实际的写作风格;你的罕有的的一个论据是紧扣主题的,是精心构造出来的,而且体现了明确的道德观。不过,印象深的还是你关于对话的使用,你像撒胡椒面似地将它们融进故事里,以此分散详细的阐述(尽管有时详细的阐述稍嫌多了一些,但总体上是好的,多些细节的阐述总比几乎没有的好)。你的作文达到了一个精细考究、熟练老到的水平,这是少见的。我不能想象任何阅卷者会给这篇作文一个低于满分的分数。   以上就是关于善意的谎言的SAT作文范文的翻译,珠海启德教育小编提醒您SAT写作考试的时间短,但是要求却很严,大家在备考SAT写作考试的时候,大家可以根据自己的实际情况,对范文的语言应用和例子的选择进行不同程度的准备,以便丰富自己的备考内容,对考试有更加全面的应对。
发布时间:2022-06-18 22:52  点击:116

