








  Our backyard is large, with around ten oak, elm, and willow trees: trunks the diameter of sizable bowls (too vague) . A zigzag path leads visitors into the wilderness of our backyard, in which is a large fish pond.   When we first moved here, however, the backyard was nowhere near as neat.   We couldn't even walk through the rampant weeds and grasses that thrived. Using his time off on weekends, Dad worked at it for a few months, using simple hand tools, cement, and a few tons of limestone to build a magnificent rockery, stone fountain, and fish pond. We released into it several beautiful carp; wherever they swam there would be a flash of scintillating red. Dad bought a considerable amount of marine grasses to add more life to our backyard. Afterwards, whenever we caught a fish we'd drop it into our pond, including catfish and a few small species, and once even a fat turtle.   Ever since the pond had fish, “guests” became attracted to it. The neighbor's fat black cat came nearly every day. It would sit on the stones, completely frozen, staring fixedly at our fish. It would occasionally swipe its paw in the air, as if wanting to call the fish to the shore. Sometimes it would slowly walk about the pond bank, stop,continue… perhaps it had its eye on a particular fish. I've never observed that cat ever harming one of our specimens, but it doesn't really need to; one can easily see from the cat's fat tummy that it doesn't lack nourishment. Maybe it's just evolution: a cat's need to catch fish as a biological fact may be proven in our backyard.   Another guest, a large bird, perhaps a hawk or vulture, constantly circles the air above the pond. As soon as it pinpointed a target, it would dive downward, lightning fast, splicing the water and drawing up a small fish. Dad later put thick marine vegetation in, giving the fish cover and the bird a hard time to catch its prey.   There are more worries to a fish in our pond other than birds and cats. There are plump, thin-haired raccoons that stroll about, frequently rummaging through our trash. Their fur is glossy; one glance can tell you that they are well-trained thieves at getting what they want. For a time Mom was really angry with them because they'd destroy the neatness of the separated bags that she carefully put into the trashcan. At nine every night, she'd flick on the backyard lights, freezing suddenly the raccoon and its hairless, pouched possum buddy. Seeing the eye-glaring porch lamp, they'd then immediately retreat, swaying their portly bellies reluctantly away from a potential meal. One night, as Mom turned on the porch light, we heard a splash from the pond. We opened the door and went into the backyard, curious. That splash was caused by a big raccoon, madly paddling in the water trying to grab fish. Its fur was completely drenched, sticking to its sides; it seemed the only thing that could make the scene better was a fish net. Later, Dad consulted an encyclopedia, which confirmed that these creatures liked to swipe small fish. No wonder their fur was so glossy; they were very well fed.   The life of a fish in our backyard pond is full of risks. Fish require much strength; as they learn to battle with their natural enemies, they learn to defend themselves. Each and every one of the fish in our backyard leads a robust and heroic life.   以上就是关于池塘的SAT作文范文,广州环球教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。   Comments:An uplifting and delightful story. An excellent example of imagery, as my visual perception is so transparent because of his detaiLED de锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion. One just has to feel sorry for the fish, as they hurry and scurry in the water away from their furry predators. Excellent!   评语:这是一篇扣人心弦、令人愉悦的故事,也是一篇充满形象描述的佳作。作者通过细致的描写,向读者展现了一幅栩栩如生的画面。读者不由得替鱼儿们感到揪心,因为鱼儿们总在水中急急地游动,以躲避各种天敌!写得很出色!   广州环球教育也为大家准备了关于池塘的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  我们家的后院很大,里面有十来棵碗口粗的橡树、榆树和柳树。一条弯弯曲曲的小径将客人带向后院中荒芜的一角,那里有一个大鱼池。   然而,当我们初搬来这里的时候,后院没有一个地方像现在这么整洁。那里原来杂草丛生,我们根本无法穿行。爸爸利用周末的空余时间,在那里劳动了几个月。他用简易的工具、水泥和几吨石灰石建起了很棒的假山、石头喷泉和鱼池。我们往鱼池里放进了几条漂亮的鲤鱼;它们游到哪里,哪里便出现点点闪烁的红色。爸爸又买来不少水草,给鱼池增添了更多的生机。自此以后,无论什么时候我们捉到了鱼,都会将它放进我们的池中,这其中包括鲶鱼和一些不知名的小鱼,有一次甚至还放进去了一只肥肥的甲鱼。   自从池子里有了鱼之后,“客人们”便被吸引而至。邻居那只又肥又大的黑猫几乎天天光临。它常坐在石头上,一动也不动,目不转睛地盯着池里的鱼。它偶尔会在空中挥动一下爪子,似乎要招呼鱼儿到岸边来。有时,它会沿着池边慢慢地行走,走走停停……也许它盯上了某条鱼。我从未看到过那只黑猫得手,不过它也并不需要得手;从它肥胖的肚子很容易看出它并不缺乏营养。也许这只是表明了进化论:猫要捉鱼的生物学行为可以在我们的后院里得到证明。   另外一位客人是一只大鸟,也许是鹰或秃鹫。它常在鱼池的上空盘旋,一旦找准目标,便会俯冲下来,快如闪电般插入水中,叼起一条小鱼。爸爸后来往池中放进了厚厚的水草,将鱼儿遮蔽起来,使得这位客人很难得手。   除了提防鸟类和猫之外,我们池中的鱼儿们还得担心其他的偷袭。有一种胖嘟嘟、身上长着细毛的浣熊四处溜达,经常在我们的垃圾箱里翻找残食。它们的毛皮十分光滑,一看就知道是训练有素的小偷,总能得到它们想要的东西。有一阵,妈妈真的对它们很生气,因为它们将她放进垃圾箱里细细分类的垃圾袋弄得一塌糊涂。于是每晚九点钟的时候,她便猛地打开后院的,强光会让浣熊和它全身无毛、腹部有袋的负鼠伙伴怔在那里。看到刺眼的走廊灯光,它们便不情愿地摇晃着肥胖的肚子,撇下一顿快到手的大餐,立即撤退。   有一天晚上,当妈妈将走廊上的灯打开的时候,我们听见从池塘里传来溅水声。我们好奇地打开,走到了后院。原来溅水声来自一只大浣熊,它正疯狂地拍打着水面,试图抓住鱼儿。它的皮毛完全湿透了,粘在身上,就差拿一只渔网在那里捕鱼了。后来,爸爸查了百科全书,发现这些动物喜欢捉小鱼。怪不得它们的皮毛这么油光水滑,原来它们吃得好着呢。   我们后院池塘里的鱼儿生活在险境之中,需要变得很强壮。在它们学习与天敌搏斗的过程中,也学会了如何保护自己,所以我家的每条鱼儿都生龙活虎、生机勃勃。
发布时间:2022-06-18 23:33  点击:95

