








  When I was about eight years old, my folks, like most of the Asian parents in this area, wanted me to play the piano and bought me a brand-new Yamaha.   I remember that my piano teacher was Mrs. Zhao. She graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music and received a Master's from Austin School of Music at the University of Texas. She was very strict to the students, sometimes playing the piano alongside them to teach more efficiently. Many of her middle-school students won awards at various comPETitions.   Every week Mom would drive me to Mrs. Zhao's. In the beginning our lessons were half an hour, but we extended them to 45 minutes. I learned to read a music score pretty quickly, and Mrs. Zhao complimented me.   Practicing piano was no easy task for me; as my skill level increased, so did the pieces. I often wondered if I was wasting time, angry that I could not perfect my playing the first time. What feud did these composers have with me? No matter my anxieties, I still had to play in front of Mrs. Zhao. If I did it well, she'd draw a star on the score; if I played perfect, I'd get a red star and could move onto the next piece. Sometimes I'd memorize it to receive a yellow star. The time for a competition came; I competed three times. Mom had already dressed me nicely in a suit and tie; Dad drove us to the University of Texas early. There were lots of people hanging out already, lots of dark-haired people like me. As I still had some time, I went into a practice room. I was very nervous, and, when the time came,played for a judge in the designated room, hoping I did well. After playing my two pieces I thanked the judge and left. A few days later Mrs. Zhao told me that I had done fine and gave me an award.   My parents were extremely pleased with my achievements. Later they would sit on the couch and listen to me play. Dad especially liked “For Elise, ” and Mom liked “Jingle Bells, ” the Christmas song. Sometimes I would compose my own songs, and,despite their simplicity, Mom and Dad still liked them.   Later in middle school we were required to take a fine arts class, and I chose band, learning to play the flute. Dad made fun of me for it: “The flute is the easiest to play; all you do is blow in the hole. It's light to carry around; what could be simpler? ” As I played more the flute in middle school, piano was pushed off onto the side. Not long ago the internationally famous Chinese piano player Lang Lang came to play perform a concert in Austin. I was captivated by his playing and afterwards immediately sought to get his autograph and picture, rather envious of his enormous skill.   以上就是关于乐器的SAT作文范文,北京环球教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。
  Comments:This passage could be put into three paragraphs,at most, to convey the message that the author intended. A shorter story would more likely keep the reader's interest.   评语:这篇文章可以缩减为三个段落来表达作者打算传递的信息。故事短一点会更能让读者保持兴趣。   北京环球教育也为大家准备了关于乐器的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  在我大约八岁的时候,像这个地区大多数的亚洲父母一样,我的老爸老妈也为我买了一架崭新的雅马哈钢琴,要我学弹琴。   我记得我的钢琴老师是赵夫人,她毕业于中国中央音乐学院,并获得了得克萨斯大学奥斯汀音乐学院的硕士学位。她对学生的要求非常严格,有时她坐在他们的旁边一起弹琴,使教学更有成效。她的许多初中学生曾在各类钢琴比赛中获奖。   每周妈妈都会开车送我去赵夫人的家里。开始的时候我的钢琴课是半个小时,但是后来我们将课延长到四十五分钟。我很快学会了识谱,赵夫人为此夸奖了我。   练琴对我来说不是一件容易的事;随着我的技巧不断提高,练习曲的难度也增加了。我常常怀疑自己是否在浪费时间,为不能第一遍就熟练地弹下来而生气。难道这些作曲家们和我过不去?虽然我很焦虑,但仍然要在赵夫人面前弹琴。如果我弹得不错,她会在成绩栏里画一颗星;要是我弹得很熟练,我会得到一颗红星,然后接着练下一首曲子。有时为了得到一颗黄色的星,我要把谱子记住并弹下来。   比赛时间到了;我参加过三次比赛。比赛前,妈妈让我穿上西服打好领带;爸爸开车带着我们早早地来到得克萨斯大学。已经有很多人在那里走来走去,有许多像我这样黑头发的人。因为还有一些时间,我便走进一间练习室。我非常紧张。比赛时,我在指定的房间里弹奏给裁判听,心里希望自己弹还得不错。在弹完两首曲子之后,我谢过裁判,然后就离开了。几天之后,赵夫人告诉我比赛的成绩不错,并给了我一个奖品。   父母为我取得的成绩感到特别高兴。后来,他们会坐在沙发上听我弹琴。爸爸尤其喜爱《致爱丽丝》,而妈妈则喜欢《铃儿响叮当》这首圣诞曲子。有时候,我会自己谱曲,尽管这些曲子很简单,但妈妈和爸爸仍然很喜欢它们。   后来,在初中,学校要求我们上艺术课,我选择了乐队,学习吹笛子。爸爸为此和我开玩笑说:“笛子是容易演奏的。你要做的就是往小孔里吹。随身携带也很轻巧。还有什么比这更简单的呢?”当我在初中吹笛子的时候,钢琴便被晾到了一边。   前不久,享誉国际的知名中国钢琴家郎朗来到奥斯汀市举办了一场音乐会,我被他的演奏所吸引。在演出之后我立即向他索取了签名和照片,有点嫉妒他精湛的技艺。
发布时间:2022-06-19 00:22  点击:84

