









  Topic:   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the telephone.   
Sample Answer   During the last century, the telephone was undoubtedly seen as one of the most important inventions. Its rapid development and proliferation of use throughout the world have been remarkable. Being part of modern life, it has affected society in a variety of ways, both positively and negatively.   On the positive side, the telephone has been used as one of the most popular communication tools and favourably applied in many fields, such as doing business, communicating with people, providing more employment opportunities and dealing with emergencies. For example, the telephone has made doing business much easier and more efficient. Simply through a phone line, people can place or check on orders, saving the time when shopping for necessities.   The telephone has also made the world seem smaller, since it allows us to stay in touch at any time with anybody, both near and far. In addition, with the advent of the telephone,telecommunication companies have been established, creating many job opportunities. In handling emergencies, the telephone seems to play a most important role. If your life is in danger, all you need to do is to dial 120, and doctors can be sent for immediately.   On the negative side, the telephone can be a big time waster, both at work and at home. When at work, people are often distracted by one unwanted ring after another and, as a result, are kept away from finishing their daily tasks. At home, the telephone seems very inviting for some people who desire to communicate. Those in need of communication are often on the phone line just for casual talk for one hour or more. This, as a result, has made direct face-to-face human contact less and less necessary, which has LED to human relationships becoming more confusing.   The advantages this powerful invention has brought to us are obvious, while its disadvantages should not be ignored. Despite some of its negative influences on our society, its benefits will assure its future use.


  题目:   请谈谈电话的利与弊。   
译文:   毫无疑问电话已经被看成是上一世纪重要的发明之一。它的发展速度之快和使用之频繁已经被全世界所关注。作为现代生活中不可分割的一部分,它已经在很多方面影响到社会,这种影响既有积极的也有消极的。   电话有其积极的一面。它已经成为备受欢迎的交流工具之一,并且成功地被应用在很多领域,比如做生意、聊天,招聘和处理紧急事件。例如,通过电话进行商业活动更方便快捷。   仅仅通过一根电话线,人们就能够进行订货和核查订单,节约了购买生活必需品需要花费的时间。既然它能够使我们在任何时间,任何地点与任何人保持联系,电话也就使世界看起来更小。除此之外,随着电话的出现,电讯公司相继成立,创造了许多就业机会。在处理紧急事件上,电话看起来百旱发挥着重要的作用。如果生活中你遇到危险,你所需要做的就是拨通120,医生就会迅速赶到。   电话也有其消极的一面。它有可能会在工作和生活方面浪费大量时间。在工作的时候,人们总是被一个又一个的意外电话所打扰,结果他们不能完成每天的任务。在家时,电话看起来是为那些渴望交流的人们预备的。有这种需要的人们占着电话线,仅仅只是一些日常聊天就能花费一个多小时。结果,这也导致人们面对面接触的机会越来越少,从而使人们之间的关系越来越淡漠。   这项伟大发明带给我们的益处是显而易见的,然而它的弊端也不容忽视。尽管它对我们的社会有不利的影响,它的益处也确保着它在未来的使用地位。
发布时间:2022-06-19 00:52  点击:91

