









  People's Bank of China中国人民银行   China Construction Bank中国建设银行   Industrial and Commercial Bank of China中国工商银行
  Agricultural Bank of China中国农业银行   Bank of Communications交通银行   Investment Bank of China中国投资银行   Bank of China中国银行   China Merchants Bank中国招商银行   China Everbright Bank中国光大银行   China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd中国民生银行
  1)I'm badly in need of employment. Is it possible to find one here?   我急需就业,这儿有可能找到工作吗?   
2)I'd like to know if you need any full-time accountant?   我想知道你们是不是需要全日工作的会计员?
  3)I'm interested in the post of sales manager you advertised inyesterdays newspaper.   我对你们在昨天报纸上广告招聘的营业部经理这个职位感兴趣。   
4)I'm bored with my job.   我对我的工作感到厌烦了。   
5)I have an interview tomorrow.   我明天有个面试。   
6)May I see your resume?   我能看一下你的简历吗?   
7)How long have you been at your present job?   你现在这份工作干了多长时间?   
8)What is your educational background?   你受过什么样的教育?   
9)I graduated from Wuhan University.   我毕业于武汉大学。

  10)I received a Bachelor of Business Administration.   我获得了工商管理学士学位。   
11)My scores were all excellent.   我门门成绩都优异。   
12)English was my best subject. I liked it very much. Be-sides,I was aware of the importance of learning Englishwell. Nowadays every enterprise would prefer to hire a man who has a good command of English. So I workedhard at college on English.   我比较好的功课是英语。我非常喜欢它。除此之外,我当时认识到学好英语的重要性,如今每个企业都宁愿优先雇用英语好的人。因此,我上大学时学习英语很刻苦。   
13)What did your MBA thesis deal with?   你的工商管理硕士论文论及哪方面的内容?   
14)It dealt with macro-modulation in the socialist market e-conomy.   它论及的是社会主义市场经济中的宏观调控。   
15)How do you think the education you've received will con-tribute to your work in this institution?   你认为你接受的教育将如何有助于在本机构的工作?   
16)As my major at college was international trade,I think Ihave a basic understanding of the work processes in an im-port and export company like yours.    由于我在大学的主修科目就是国际贸易,我想我对像你们这样的进出口公司的工作程序有个基本的了解。
17)Did you do any part-time jobs when you studied at your u-niversity?   你在大学读书时有没有做过什么业余工作?   
18)Yes. I did some mathematics tutoring with a middle schoolstudent in my junior year.   有。我在三年级时曾做过家教,教一个中学生的数学。   
19)I acted as a part-time salesgirl for Wuhan Avon Company Ltd. for two years. I went from house to house to pro-mote beauty products.   我为武汉雅芳有限公司当了两年的业余推销员。我走家串户去推销美容产品。   
20)I worked for six hours a week as a teaching assistant.   我做过助教,每周工作6小时。   
21)I assisted my supervisor in correcting the undergraduates'   exercises every term.   每学期我通常帮助我的导师批改本科生的作文。   
22)I've gained experience in direct sales of goods.   我获得了直销商品的经验。   
23)I've learned a lot of research methods from my supervisor.   我从我的导师那里学到了很多研究方法。   
24)I've learned how to serve customers.   我学会了如何招待顾客。   
发布时间:2022-06-19 05:11  点击:95

