南京美联英语小编认为,典型例句是对话的基础,一些漂亮的句子能给人惊艳的感觉,小编为您整理关于宠物的英语对话常用句子。 I heard that you keep a PET…我听说你养了一只宠物……
Do you have any pets?你有宠物吗? What kind of cat do you have?你有一只什么样的猫呢? Have you heard of a pet pig?你听说过宠物猪吗? I like keeping animals for companionship.我喜欢养动物来做伴。 I didn't know that you had a cat. When did you get her? 我不知道你养了猫,什么时候养的? Someone has to walk the dog.得有人带狗出去邀邀。 Where is the gerbil?沙鼠跑到哪儿去了? The guinea pig is loose again.豚鼠又从笼子逃出去了。 关于宠物的英语对话?通过简单的对话来了解一下,在一来一往中掌握英语的真谛。
Jack: Your dog is really cute. What's his name? Angie: His name is Bingo. Jack: What kind of dog is he? Angie: We're not sure because the neighbors gave him to us afterthey moved away. Jack: Well, he sure likes to run around a lot. Is he well-behaved? Angie:Oh yes, he is. When he was a puppy, he liked to chew my father's shoes, but he's okay now. Jack: That sounds like my cat. She likes to scratch the couch with her claws. Angie: I didn't know that you had a cat. When did you get her? Jack: about a year ago actually. You've probably never seen her though. Angie: Really? Why is that? Jack: She's not a house-cat. She stays outside most of the time. 南京美联英语小编知道,有些同学英语对英语不明就里迟迟没有进入状态,小编在此为大家翻译关于宠物的英语对话,帮助大家加深了解。 杰克:你的狗真可爱。它叫什么名字? 安吉:宾果。 杰克:它是什么狗? 安吉:我们也不清楚,是邻居搬家时送给我们的。 杰克:它总是喜欢不停地跑圈,有规矩吗? 安吉:哦,有的。它还是小狗时喜欢啃我父亲的鞋,不过现在好了。 杰克:那听起来像我家的猫,它喜欢用爪子抓沙发椅子。 安吉:我不知道你养了猫,什么时候养的? 杰克:大约一年前,不过你可能看不到它。 安吉:是吗?为什么? 杰克:它不是家猫,它大部分时间都在外面。
发布时间:2022-06-19 05:22 点击:166