









01 Classic Sentences经典句子
   model can run any software or DOS program and IBM personal computer can run.   这个模型能运行所有的软件、DOS程序以及IBM个人计算机所能运行的。    all the components made here in Taiwan?   零件全都是台湾制造的吗?    you like a PACket of our promotional literature?   给您看看我们的宣传资料包吗?
   see your computer is fully IBM compatible.   我发现你们的电脑可以和IBM完全相容。   're a high-volume, discount mail-order house.   我们是大规模的折价邮购公司。    wonder if you can give me more information about this computer model you're showing?   我想知道你们可不可以给我更多有关你们正在展示的这台计算机模型的信息?
   you be interested in talking with him about our ideas for upcoming models?   您是否有兴趣与他谈论有关即将到来的这一模型?   'm sure we can arrange it before then.   我相信我们可以在他之前安排好。    you like to tour our factory?   您是否愿意参观我们的工厂?
   I ask what company you work for?   可以问一下您服务于哪个公司吗?    I help you?   需要帮忙吗?   'd be glad to help.   很高兴能帮助您。
   represent Reese Computer and Supply Company.   我是李斯电脑供应公司的代表。    do some subcontracting, but only in Taiwan.   我们只有在台湾做一些分包。   'm due to fly back to the States on Friday.   我预定星期五乘机回美国。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 At the Trade Fair   Salesman: Good morning. May I help you?   importer: I wonder if you can give me more information about this computer model you're showing?   Salesman: I'd be glad to help. Would you like a packet of our promotional literature?   importer: Thank you. I see your computer is fully IBM compatible.   Salesman: Yes, this model can run any software or DOS program and IBM personal computer can run.   importer: These models seem to be quite small.   Salesman: Yes, one of the problems our company was trying to solve when we worked on this model was to do away with the bulk of IBM desk-tops and their clones. Our computer is only 11 pounds.   importer: Remarkable! There's nothing quite like seeing a problem and solving it to create a good products. Are all the components made here in Taiwan?   Salesman: Yes, we do some subcontracting, but only in Taiwan. These computers are made here.   importer: May I ask what company you work for?   Salesman: I represent Reese Computer and Supply 're a high-volume,discount mail-order you like to tour our factory and one or two of our subcontractors?   importer: Yes, if it wouldn't take too long to arrange. I'm due to fly back to the States on Friday.   Salesman: I'm sure we can arrange it before then. How about meeting the founder of our company? Would you be interested in talking with him about our ideas for upcoming models?   importer: Yes, I think that would be useful. Thank you for your help. 在商展   推销员:早上好,需要帮忙吗?   进口商:我想你可不可以给我更多有关你们正在展示的这台计算机模型的信息呢?   推销员:很高兴能帮助您。给您看看我们的宣传资料包怎么样?   进口商:谢谢。我发现你们的电脑可以与IBM完全相容。   推销员:是的,这个膜性能运行所有的软件、DOS程序以及IBM个人计算机所能运行的。   进口商:这些模型看起来很小。   推销员:是的,我们公司一个要解决的问题之一就是过去当我们继续研发这一电脑时我们在尽力废除大量IBM台式电脑的影响以及对他们的种种克隆。我们的电脑只有11磅。   进口商:了不起!没有什么能比得上看到问题并解决它从而创建一个好产品那么好的了。零部件全都是台湾制造的吗?   推销员:是的,我们只在台湾做一些分包。这些电脑是在这生产的。   进口商:请问您服务于那家公司呢?   推销员:我是李斯电脑供应公司的代表,是大规模的折价邮购公司。您想参观我们的工厂或许仅仅一两个分包商?   进口商:若不会花太多时间安排的话我很乐意。我预定星期五乘机回美国。   推销员:我确保能在那之前完成。见见我们公司的创办人怎么样?您是否有兴趣和他谈论有关即将面世的的这一模型?   进口商:是的,我认为那很有用。谢谢您帮忙。   以上就是杭州汉普森英语小编为大家整理关于会展的英语对话。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加杭州汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。
发布时间:2022-06-21 08:35  点击:84

