








  经典句型背一背   My fax machine's on the you take a look at it?   我的传真机出毛病了。你能看一看吗?   I have tried everything and I still can't get these charts printed properly.   我试了各种办法,始终不能把这些表格很好地打出来。   I think you have the printing parameters set me just change a few numbers.   我想你的打印参数设置错误,让我来改几个数。   Mr. Emory?I think it's time to get a new computer.   埃默里先生吗?我想我们应该买台新电脑了。   You can get any office supplies at the Department of General Affairs.   你可以在日常用品部找到任何办公用具。   I think you're really going to like this new word processor.   我想你会真正喜欢这个新的文字处理器的。   We need some new filing cabinets and at least one desk unit.   我们需要一些新的档案橱柜和至少一套组合家具。   With this PACkage,you can do all of your slides on the computer .You can even move themaround , enlarge them or shrink them.   有了这个软件包,你就可以在电脑上做你所有的幻片。你甚至可以把它们四处移动,放大或者缩小。   Photograph or document?   是图像传真还是文字传真?   Is this the code number of the receiver?   这是对方的传真号吗?   Could you help me put on the code number of our company,please?   请你帮我把我们公司的传真号加上。   Can you help me一o work out the telex I got just a moment ago?   你能帮我对刚才收到的电传解释一下吗?   I don't know how to use email.   我不知道如何使用电子邮件。   The email I sent this morning was returned as undeliverable.   今天早上我发的邮件被退回来了,说是发送不出去。
  模仿对话练一练   A:Mary,would you send this fax for me,please?   B:OK. Who should it go to?   A:Send it to Mr. Liu Ming.   B:Oh,sir. I'm sorry to tell you that their fax machine is out oforder and they expect it won't resume service until tomorrowafternoon.   A:How do you know about that?   B:Jack also asked me to send a fax to Mr .Liu Ming ten minutes 's why I know that.   A:That's fax is very important indeed.   B:I'll try from time to 't worry. Their fax machine is under repair now.
  佛山美联老师译文:   A:玛丽,能帮我把这份传真发出去吗?   B:好的,发给谁?   A:把它发给刘明先生。   B:哦,先生,我很抱歉地告诉你,他们的传真机出故障了,预计明天中午才能恢复正常。   A:你是怎么知道的?   B:十分钟前,杰克也叫我帮他发传真给刘明先生,所以我知道他们的传真机出故障了。   A:真糟糕!这份传真真的很重要。   B:我会时不时地试着发一下。别着急,他们正在修呢。   以上就是佛山美联英语小编为您整理关于电邮、传真的英语对话,佛山美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入佛山美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
发布时间:2022-06-21 13:58  点击:94

