








  经典句型背一背   I'm trying to arrange。meeting for next week.   我争取在下周安排一次会议。   I need to work out a time to get together with your people.   我需要找个时间和你们大家碰个头。   We could probably get started with a strategy meeting.   我们也许可以先开一个战略方针会。   I'd like to fix a time to meet next week and hear what you all have to say.   我想定个时间和大伙儿在下周开个会,听听各位的建议。   Let's set the meeting up for 8:00 Monday morning.   咱们就把会议定在星期一上午8:00吧。   Iwas hoping that we might get together and talk about them.   我本想我们可以聚在一起,谈谈他们的情况。   I'd like to set a fixed time for this meeting before we finish today.   我想在咱们今天结束前定下开这个会的时间。   Why don't we set the meeting for Thursday at 9:00 a. M.?   咱们把会议定在星期四上午9:00怎么样?   These losses are serious-we'll have to call a meeting straight away to get to the bottom of it.   损失惨重,我们得马上召开会议查清真相。   We can carry the meeting over to Tuesday if we need to.   如果有必要,我们可以把会议推迟至星期二。   The meeting's postponed indefinitely.   会议被无限期延迟了。   Let me take a look at the 'll get back to you this afternoon,all right?   我来看看时间表。我下午给您回话,行吗?
  模仿对话练一练   A : Mary, this meeting is scheduLED for 3 : 00 this afternoon. Haveyou made the necessary arrangements ?   B : Yes, Mr. Smith. We'll use the conference room on the secondfloor for the meeting.   A : That's right. The meeting is very important. Where shall theguests be received before the meeting begins ?   B : In the dining room. It's sPACious there.   A : We'll have several foreign guests to attend the meeting .   B :I've arranged for an interpreter to he present . But it is said that these foreigners can speakEnglish.   A : Really? I'll also try to speak slowly. How would you arrange the guests' seats, Mary?   B : We've prepared name cards to be put on the conference table for guests to sit by . What timewould you like refreshments served , Mr. Smith?   A : Well , after my report, there'll be an interval for rest and refreshments.   B : All right. I see.
  深圳美联英语老师译文:   A:玛丽,我们计划在下午3点钟开会,你都安排好了吗?   B:是的,史密斯先生。我们将使用二楼的会议室开会。   A:很好,这个会议很重要。开会前我们在哪里接待来宾?   B:在餐厅吧。那里比较宽敞。   A:我们还有几位外宾来参加会议。   B:我已经安排了一位翻译员,不过我听说这些外宾都会讲英语。   A:是吗?不过,我还是会讲慢一点。你怎么安排来宾坐席呢,玛丽?   B:我们已经准备了姓名卡片放在会议桌上,让来宾按此就座。您希望在什么时候供应点心,史密斯先生?   A:哦,就在我做完报告后的休息时间供应点心吧。   B:好的,我明白了。   以上就是深圳美联英语小编为您整理关于会议安排的英语对话,深圳美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入深圳美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
发布时间:2022-06-21 14:01  点击:80

