








  经典句型背一背   Don't encircle your plate with your arm.   不要用胳膊把盘子围起来。   Don't push your plate back when finished.   吃完后不要把盘子推回去。   Don't lean hack and announce“I'm through”or“I'm stuffed”.Putting your utensils downacross your plate shows that you have finished.   不要往后一靠宣布说“吃完了”或“饱了”。把餐具横搁在盘上表明你已经吃完了。   Don't put liquid in your mouth if it is already filLED with food.   嘴里有食物时不要喝液体的东西。   Don't crook your finger when picking up a cup or glass .It's an affected mannerism.   举杯时不要翘手指。这是一种矫揉造作的习气。   Don't ever leave your spoon in you cup or in a stemmed glass.   不要把汤匙留在杯中或带柄的玻璃杯里。   Don't cut up your entire meal before you start to eat .Cut only one or two bites at a time.   不要在就餐前把整顿饭都切好。每次应只切一两口。   Don't take huge mouthfuls of anything.   不管吃什么都不要大口大口地吃。   Don't leave half the food on your spoon or to put less on and then eat it in one bite.   不要把食物剩一半在匙里或叉上。学会先取点儿然后一次吃完。   Don't wipe off the tableware in a your silver is dirty,ask the waiter or waitress fora clean replacement.   在餐馆里不要自己动手擦餐具。如果餐具脏了,让服务员换干净的。
  模仿对话练一练   A:Hey,David. Can you give me a ride?I'll going to Jeff'swedding reception.   B:Absolutely. I'm on my way there there a dress codementioned on the invitation?   A:Yes,it said Semi-formal. Tux is the way,What kindof food are they serving today?Chinese or Western style?   B:Chinese style,I guess. Why?   A:What a relief!I was kind of worried about which silverware and which wine glass Ishould use.   B:They aren't as hard as you imagine .Practice makes perfect.   A:Yeah,I the way,do you know how to properly break bread?   B:It's very can break it into moderately -sized pieces by hand,or use a long breadknife to cut some off.   A:How about butter? How do you use a butter knife?   B:Use the master butter knife to place buffer on your bread plate . Then you can use your ownknife to put it on your food.
  学历教育老师译文:   A:,大卫,能不能搭你的便车?我要去杰夫的结婚喜宴。   B:当然好,我也正要去,邀请函上有注明服装规定吗?   A:有,邀请函上写着半正式,不一定要穿正式礼服。对了,他们今天准备哪些菜式?中式还是西式?   B:我想是中式的吧,为什么这样问?   A:真是松了一口气!我刚刚有点担心用西餐时,要使用哪种刀叉或杯呢。   B:事情不像你想得这么困难,熟能生巧啊。   A:是啊,我明白。对了,你知道怎么正确地吃面包吗?   B:很简单啊,你可以用手把面包撕成刚好需要的大小,或用有锯齿的长面包刀切一小片下来吃。   A:那奶油呢?奶油刀怎么用啊?   B:先用公用的奶油刀把奶油放在你的奶油碟上,再用自己的奶油刀把它抹在面包上就好了啊。

发布时间:2022-06-21 18:08  点击:85

