









01 Classic Sentences经典句子
   you brought your certificates?   你的学历证明带来了吗?    you have any particular conditions that you would like our firm to take into consideration?   你有什么让我们公司值得考虑的特殊情况吗?    kind of personality do you think you have?   你认为你具备哪种性格?
   past experience is closely related to this job.   我过去的经验与这份工作有密切的联系。    you have any experience in banking?   你在银行业方面有经验吗?    my studies at the university, accounting was my special fiLED of interests.   大学期间,会计是我特别感兴趣的科目。
   have a good all-round knowledge of accountant.   我对会计工作有全面的了解。    have been employed as a junior accountant in an import and export company for two years.   我在一家进出口公司担任了两年初级会计员。    the college I served as financial secretary of the Students Union.   大学期间,我曾出任学生会财务秘书一职。
   can make fast decisions and I am responsible.   我做事果断,责任心强。    will I know your decision?   我什么时候才能知道你们的决定?    shall bring to the job the willingness to work and an eagerness to improve.   我在工作中乐于学习、渴望提高。
   know the duties that an accountant has.   我懂得一个会计的职责所在。    was specially trained for that sort job.   我为那类工作接受过专的培训。    have a comparatively good understanding for this position.   对这一职位,我有较好的理解。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Applying for the Accountant   Louise: Please sit down. Is your major accounting?   Frank: Yes. I am engaged in accounting for one year.   Louise: What are your responsibilities at your present work unit?   Frank: My work includes various routine bookkeeping and basic accounting tasks.   Louise: Are you familiar with the financial and tax regulations?   Frank: I think so.   Louise: Why did you leave your last job?   Frank: Well, I am hoping to get a better position.   Louise: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?   Frank: They would say Frank is an honest, hard-working and responsible man.   Louise: Very good. You are the very person we want.   Frank: Thank you very much. 应聘会计   路易斯:请坐。你的专业是会计学吗?   弗兰克:是的。我从事会计这一行业已经一年了。   路易斯:你在现在的单位主要负责什么?   弗兰克:我的工作主要包括各种常规性记账和基本的会计工作。   路易斯:你熟悉金融税务制度吗?   弗兰克:我觉得自己还可以。   路易斯:你为什么离职呢?   弗兰克:我希望能获得一个更好的职位。   路易斯:你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?   弗兰克:他们会说弗兰克讲诚信,工作很努力,责任心很强。   路易斯:很好。你正是我们想要的人。   弗兰克:非常感谢。   以上就是成都汉普森英语小编为大家整理应聘会计的英语自我介绍。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法门,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加成都汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。
发布时间:2022-06-21 19:40  点击:75

