








  经典句型背一背   I'll take yours as an exceptional case.   我会将你方的事当做特殊情况来考虑。   I'm not pressing you for an early reply.   我没有让你方提前回复。   Our price remains valid till January , our time.   按我方时间,我方的价格到一月份有效。   I'm afraid that there is no room to negotiate the price.   恐怕这个价格已经没有商量的余地了。   Our price is lower than that in the international market.   我们的价格比国际市场价格要低得多。   Taking the quality into account,you'll find that the price is very favorable.   考虑到质量,你会发现这个价格已经非常优惠了。   This is our lowest price and we can't go any further.   这是我们的低价,不能再降价了。   I'm afraid we will never be able to come clown to your price.   恐怕我们不能降至你方的价格水平。   For the same quality I'm sure there is nowhere else you'll get the same price.   同样质量的商品我肯定在其他地方再也找不到这种价格了。   Your price is higher than some of the quotations we have received from other sources.   你方价格比我们从别处得到的报价要高。   To be frank with you,some countries are actually lowering their prices.   坦率地说,一些国家正在降价出售。   Your price is a bit too high compared with other offers we received so far.   众所周知,只有具有竞争力的价格才能吸引消费者。
  模仿对话练一练   A:Your price is so high that we can hardly make a counter -offer.   B:Better quality usually means a higher price.   A:You're right there. If your prices were just slightly higher thanthe offers of similar machines,there wouldn't he any problem atall. The fact is that your price is too high to be workable.   B:Our design and technology are completely up -to-late.   A:That's why we prefer to order from your company.   B:Well then,can you give us an idea that you might consider workable?   A:We hope that you'll he initiative and bridge the gap.   B:Well,we'll reduce the price by 5 percent,I hope this sets the ball rolling.   A:I'm afraid the hall can hardly roll very far and the gap is still wide .I'd suggest another 8percent.   B:Oh,I'm afraid that won't do.
  绍兴美联英语老师译文:   A:你方的价格太高,我们几乎无法还盘。   B:优质常意味着高价。   A:在这一点上你是对的。如果你们的价格只是比类似产品的报价稍高一点,那就什么问题都没有。但实际上,你们的价格高得我们无法接受。   B:我们的产品设计与技术都是比较先进的。   A:这也是我们为什么倾向于订购贵公司产品的原因。   B:那么,你们能否提出一个合适的建议呢?   A:我们希望你方主动来弥合差距。   B:好吧。我们削价5%。我希望这样可以继续谈判下去。   A:恐怕无法做到。差距仍然很大。我建议削价8%。   B:哦,恐怕不行。   以上就是绍兴美联英语小编为您整理关于外贸还盘的英语对话,绍兴美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入绍兴美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
发布时间:2022-06-21 23:12  点击:66

