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  It is generally acknowLEDged that the relationship among family members is notas close as it used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.
  Sample Answer   Nowadays, couples quarrel more often than they used to do. Brothers and sisters talkless and take less care of each other. Children turn less to their parents for advice.   These scenes are just part of the whole picture of today's family alienation. As far as Iam concerned, there are several reasons for the above phenomena.   The first reason is that people spend more time on their studies and work.   Nowadays, people face fierce comPETition and suffer from great pressure. As a result,they have to devote more time and energy to their careers. Some people are toobusy to spare time for their family. What is more, many jobs require people to work inother cities and many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study orwork elsewhere. As time passes, these people become emotionally estranged fromtheir families.   The alienation among families is also attributed to the increasing number ofentertainments available. High technology brings modern people more interestingthings which can easily attract their attention, such as watching TV, surfing theInternet or playing video games. Consequently, people are addicted to theseactivities, totally neglecting the feelings of their family members.   Last but not least, people are now more independent than before. Apart from theirfamily, they can easily get help from their friends and it is much easier to makemore friends as a result of the rapid improvement in telecommunication. Thereforethey are not as dependent on their families as before. To bring families closer,people put forward various suggestions. First, we should spare more time with ourfamily members, no matter how occupied we are. Second, teach children the senseof family when they are still young. Last but not least, the government shouldorganize activities to promote public awareness of the importance of a harmoniousfamily relationship.
  上海朗阁培训老师译文:   现在夫妻吵架的现象比过去多了,兄弟姐妹之间相互交流少了,彼此关心也少了。同过去相比,孩子们向父母征求建议的情况也少了。这些变化只是现代家庭关系疏远的部分情况。   在我看来,发生上述现象主要有以下几点原因:   第一个原因是人们将更多的时间投入到学习和工作中。现在,人们面临激烈的竞争,承受巨大的压力。因此,他们不得不在他们的事业上投入更多的时间和精力。一些人太忙了以至于很少有空余的时间留给他们的家人。而且,一些工作需要人去其他的城市,一些孩子不得不在他们很小的时候离开他们的父母,在其他的地方学习或者工作。随着时间的流逝,一些人就会在感情上疏远他们的家人。   家人的疏远还由于娱乐形式的不断增加。现在高科技带给现代人更多有趣的事情,它们可以很容易地吸引人们注意,例如看电视、网上冲浪或者打游戏。因此,人们沉溺于这些活动中,完全忽视了家人的感受。   后,人们比过去更加独立。除了他们的家人,他们很容易从朋友那里得到帮助。而且,随着通讯的快速发展,人们更容易交到更多的朋友。因此,他们不再像从前一样依赖家庭。   为了使家庭更亲密,人们提出了很多建议。首先,无论我们有多忙都要抽出时间陪自己的家人。其次,我们应该在我们的孩子还小的时候教会他们家庭观念。后,政府应该组织活动来提升公众对和谐家庭关系重要性的认识。   以上就上海朗阁培训小编为您整理的关于家庭成员关系不密切的雅思作文范文,上海朗阁培训小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以上海朗阁培训多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。

发布时间:2022-06-21 23:53  点击:88

