








  经典句型背一背   We are not at fault .We can't hold ourselves responsible .You'd better take the matter up with the insurers.   我们没有过错,不能为此事负责。你们比较好与保险商交涉。   We have never faiLED to discharge our obligations.   我们从来没有不履行我们的义务。   Under these circumstances,we trust you will agree that we cannot be expected to make compensation for your damaged goods.   在这种情况下,相信你们能赞同我们不能赔偿你们受损的货物。   We consider this matter closed.   希望此事到此为止。   Such color deviation is normal and permissible;therefore,the claim was turned down.   这种色差属正常现象,是允许的。因此我方拒绝索赔。   We can assure you that you'll have no such complaints to make about our future. deliveries.   我们可以确保今后你们不会对我们的交货提出这类意见了。   We may either pay you an allowance or have the goods replaced.   我们或者给你们折价,或者给你们换货。   Our check for $3 ,000 was airmailed to you today in settlement of your claim for short weightof $ 500.   今天航寄了一张3000美元的支票,以支付你方500磅短重索赔。   I'm sorry but I'll check it and call you hack as soon as possible.   很抱歉,我一定会调查此事,尽快给您答复。   How can we best deal with this problem to your satisfaction?   我们怎样处理此事,才能使你方满意呢?   If we were fault,we should be very glad to compensate for your losses.   如果责任在我方,我们当乐于赔偿你方损失。
  模仿对话练一练(一):   A:The quality of your shipment is not in conformity with thespecifications,so we claim $3,000 for inferior quality.   B:In a case like this,one cannot rule out other possibilities.   A:Please make immediate inquiries into the case.   B: The result of our investigation is that the damage is due to roughhandling in transit,it is appropriate for you to file your claimwith the relevant insurance company.
  中山美联英语老师译文:   A:你方交货的质量与说明书不符,因此我们向你们提出3000美元的劣等质量索赔。   B:这种案例,不能排除其他的可能性。   A:请立即调查事故原因。   B:我们调查的结果是,货损是由运输途中野蛮装卸造成的,你方向有关保险公司索赔比较恰当。
  模仿对话练一练(二):   A:We found a short weight in your last consignment.   B:Wait a consignment should be 200 tons.   A:But there is a 2 tons short weight on the arrival.   B:How can that he?   A:It is true. Here is the copy of the inspection certificatefrom Sydney port.   B:But we also hold the inspection certificate from our Commodities Inspection Bureau,whichstates the consignment was up to the standard for export.   A:The only possibility is your Inspection Bureau may select a few PACkages at random.   B:Well,let me have a look at the report of your Commodities Inspection Bureau .Err…I am afraid we only can give our opinion after we have the samples re -checked here.   A:All will send you the samples as soon as possible.
  中山美联英语老师译文:   A:我们发现上单货物重量短缺。   B:等等,货物应该是200吨煤。   A:但是到货时少了2吨。   B:那怎么可能?   A:这是真的。这是从悉尼发来的检验证明复印件。   B:但是我们还有我们商检局的证明,证明货物是达到出口标准的。   A:罕有的的可能性是你们商检局可能随机选择了一些包装。   B:好吧,让我看看你们商检局的报告。哦……恐怕只有我们重新检验样品之后才能提出我们的看法。   A:好的。我们会尽快发给你们样品。   以上就是中山美联英语小编为您整理的关于索赔的英语对话,中山美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入中山美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
发布时间:2022-06-22 03:45  点击:104

