









01 Classic Sentences经典句子
  's your sign?   你是什么星座的?    is fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.   射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。    is the leader of the Earth signs.   魔蝎座是土相星座的领头人。
   is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.   水相星座的特质使天蝎座有些神秘。    is Fire to the core.   狮子座是火相星座的中心。    Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.   土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。
   is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.   双鱼座非常善于接纳,富有同情心,并且很为别人着想。    memory is Cancer's born gift.   良好的记忆力是巨蟹座与生俱来的天赋。    represents the Air element.   天秤座是风相星座。
   is a sign that is more extroverted and active.   天秤座的特性比较外向和主动。    would never be a problem for just need more confidence.   学习对天蝎座来说从来都不是问题。你只需要更多自信。    and caution are Capricorn's advantages.   魔蝎座的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。
   is Virgo advantage.   处女座的优点是勤奋。    actually find the encyclopedia exciting and read self-help and fitness books for fun.   处女座可能会发现百科全书、自助书籍或健身书籍很有趣。    are avid readers, so almost any book will keep them busy.   双子座喜欢读书,几乎任何书都能让他们立刻投入其中。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 What's her Sign?   Lily: What's the trouble with you?   Pat: I wonder what gift I should give my girlfriend.   Lily: Oh, what's her sign? Maybe I can give you some suggestions.   Pat: Really? She is a Leo.   Lily: Let me check it for you. It is said that Leo is easy to shop for if you can carry that much gold. Gifts of gold are the things for Leo. Anything classy and monogrammed will usually work. Theater tickets to the best play will also go over big. Then I think you can give her a ticket for her.   Pat: Great. Then I will see what's on at the moment.   Lily: What's your sign?   Pat: Well, I'm an Aries. So what?   Lily: From your signs, I can tell you how your relations with your girlfriend.   Pat: Oh, I see.   Lily: Great! You are good and having a lasting relationship.   Pat: I'd like to hear that.
她是什么星座的?   丽莉:你怎么了?   帕特:我在发愁给我女朋友买什么礼物。   丽莉:噢,她是什么星座的?或许我可以给你一些意见。   帕特:真的吗?她是狮子座的。   丽莉:我帮你查一查。上面说狮子座的人比较容易买礼物,如果你有那么多金钱的话,金子做的礼物就是送给狮子座的东西。任何亮丽而有画押图案的东西一般都能行得通。好戏剧的戏票也很受欢迎。我想你可以送她一张戏票。   帕特:太好了!那我去看看这几天上映什么电影。   丽莉:你是什么星座啊?   帕特:嗯,我是白羊座。怎么了?   丽莉:从你们的星座,我就可以告诉你你们的关系会怎么样。   帕特:噢,我知道了。   丽莉:很棒啊!你们是个甜蜜持久的组合。   帕特:这句话我爱听。   以上就是南京汉普森英语小编为大家整理关于星座的英语对话。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加南京汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。
发布时间:2022-06-22 04:57  点击:88

