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  Whichis more important for you in your life: knowLEDge from books you read, orpersonal experiences in reality? Please use details to explain your answer.
  Sample Answer   Books and experience are the main two channels for people to gain their knowledge.   Each plays different roles for people. In my opinion, knowledge from experience ismore important than that from books.   To begin with, experience can prove if the knowledge from books is true or false.   Textbooks are very wonderful in teaching people essential principles. How does theworld look like? What is the basic law of change of people and things? We can learn alot through primary school, secondary school until university. However, people canonly understand the really meaning of those from books and justify them if they areright through practices. A few hundred years ago, people learnt from textbooks thatthe earth was flat. However, navigators found that was wrong through observationsand voyage.   Next, the knowledge from experience can improve and advance the world and oursociety. As books have limitation, they only teach us what people found in the past.   The knowledge from the books is constrained to the certain conditions andenvironment. For example, mould[d3] and tools design for plastics industry, theuniversity course only taught me very simple cases, most knowledge are obtainedfrom various and complicated cases in my career.   Furthermore, there are a lot of new inventions and new products which could notbe found from textbooks. Our society and world are developed through continuouspractices, those knowledge, never found in books, such as Internet, e一business etc.   are all developed through new practices.   Just as the saying is "The truth comes from practices and experience",peopleare continually discovering new things and assessing the creditability of theknowledge written in books. The knowledge from experience helps us much morethan those from books.   ▼考官评分:8
  广州朗阁雅思老师译文:   书和实践是人们获取知识的主要途径。对人们来说,每一种途径都起着不同的作用。我认为,从实践中学到的知识比从书本中学到的知识更重要.   首先,实践可以证明我们从书本中学到的知识是对还是错,教科书对于教授人们知识有着孑可替代的作用。这个世界看起来是什么样的?什么是人与物的变化的基本规律?我们从小学、中学到大学的过程中能学到很多东西。然而,人们只有通过实践才能真正懂得从书本里学到的知识的意义.几百年前,人们从教科书上学到地球是平的。但是,航海家们通过观珍和实际航行证明了这是错的。   其次,从实践中学到的知识能够帮助世界和社会进步。书本的知识是有限的,它们只能教给我们人们在过去发现的东西。从书本中学到的知识多会受到特定条件和环境的限制。例如,工具支持塑料生产,但是在大学中只教过我非常简单的案例,大多数知识是在我工作之后从很多复杂的事情中学到的。   除此之外,这环有很多教科书中找不到的新发明和新产品。我们的社会和世界在不断的实践中不断发展,这些知识,在书本中永远找不到,就像互联网、电子商务和其他很多东西一样,都在练习中不断发展。   就像“真理来源于实践和经验“这句话说的,人们不断地发现书本中没有记录的新事物。从实践中学到的知识远比从书本中学到的知识有用。   以上就是广州朗阁雅思小编为您整理的的雅思作文范文,广州朗阁雅思小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以广州朗阁雅思多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。
发布时间:2022-06-22 11:47  点击:90

