









01 Classic Sentences经典句子

  's go hiking on Sunday.   星期天我们去徒步旅行吧。    you like to go on a picnic with us this weekend?   你愿意周末和我们一起去野餐吗?    shall we go for a picnic?   我们到哪儿去野餐?   's an ideal place for camping.   那是露营的好地方。    one else knows about this spot.   没人知道这个地方。    enjoy camping.   我喜欢露营。   07 1 When are you going camping again?   你什么时候再去露营?    overheard you talking about camping.   我听见你们在谈野营的事。    can't walk any farther. We just camp here and start tomorrow morning.   我再也走不动了。我们就在这里扎营,明早再出发吧。   'm looking forward to the picnic.   我盼望着去野餐。    is a pleasure to go picnicking in this fine weather.   在这么好的天气去野餐是很开心的。    everything ready for the picnic?   野餐的东西都准备好了吗?    boys have decided to go camping next week.   男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。   , what about the outing?   嘿,郊游怎么样?    put a damper on our picnic plans.   大雨阻止了我们的野餐计划。    02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Having a Picnic   PETer: It's so nice to have a picnic in such a lovely day.   Joan: Yes. Let's start right now. First of all we have to clean the grill. Could you please take care of the grill while I go to collect some wood for starting a fire.   Peter: OK. Leave it tome.   Joan: We have enough wood now. Let's start the fire and begin roasting the chicken.   Peter: Good. Here are the chicken, and also oil, salt, and chili. I'm going to prepare the me if you need my help.   Joan: Fine. I can handle it myself.   Peter: Oh, it smells delicious! I guess it's done now? Don't overcook the chicken.   Joan:It is still bloody should cook it through…OK!Come to have a taste of this tender, juicy chicken.   Peter:My mouth is already , it's fantastic!   Joan:I'm glad you like you brought any drinks?   Peter:Yes, there is beer and orange juice in the cooler.   Joan:Oh, and pickles you need some?   Peter:No, is good enough!
野餐   彼得:这样的好天气来野餐真是太好了!   乔安:是啊,我们现在就开始吧。首先得把烤架洗干净。你能去洗一下烤架吗?我去捡一些生火的柴。   彼得:好的,交给我吧。   乔安:柴火已经够了。我们生火,开始烤鸡吧!   彼得:太好了。这里是鸡,还有油、盐、辣椒。我去准备餐盘。需要帮忙的话叫我。   乔安:好,我自己能搞定。   彼得:噢,好香啊!我猜已经烤好了吧?不要把鸡肉烤得太熟了。   乔安:鸡肉里面还血淋淋的呢,我该把它烤透一点……好啦!过来尝尝这个鲜嫩多汁的鸡肉吧。   彼得:我已经在流口水了。噢,太棒了!   乔安:你能喜欢我太高兴了。你带喝的了吗?   彼得:是的,冷藏箱里有啤酒和橙汁。   乔安:哦,还有泡菜啊!你来点吗?   彼得:不用了,谢谢。这个已经够好了。   以上就是北京汉普森英语小编为您整理的露营英语对话,北京汉普森英语常年开设少儿英语,青少年英语,成人英语,企业英语等课程,欢迎大家进入北京汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
发布时间:2022-06-22 15:34  点击:82

