








  关于集邮的英语对话-西安美联英语   在进行日常生活英语口语的学习中,我们可以从网上下载的听、说、读、写的英语材料来进行学习。通过用生动的形象,真实的画面,优美动人的语言和音乐,刺激学习的兴趣和求知欲。而多学多练,进行英语口语的练习必不可少,西安美联英语小编为大家整理一些生活英语口语对话,希望大家可以从中获得需要的知识,本篇为您整理关于集邮的英语对话。

  Classic Sentences经典句子   'd 1ike to buy some postcards.   我想买几张明信片。   ' d 1ike to have some commemorative stamps.   我想买纪念邮票。    friend is a stamp collector.   我朋友是集邮爱好者。    recommend the Olympic Game Stamp, it is just issued.   我给你推荐奥运会的邮票,它是刚刚发行的。    did stamp collecting begin?   集邮是什么时候开始的?    wonder whether you are really fond of collecting stamps.   我想知道你是否真的喜欢集邮。    you ever been to a stamp exhibition?   你去过邮票展吗?   've collected few stamps years.   这几年我没收集到几张邮票。    did you begin collecting stamps?   你什么时候开始集邮的?    husband is a stamp collector.   我丈夫是个集邮爱好者。    is enamored of stamp collecting.   他迷恋于集邮。    trouble with stamp collecting is that it's an expensive hobby.   集邮爱好不好的地方在于它花费太大了。    is a stamp collector.   他是一个集邮者。    and where was the first stamp made?   第一张邮票是什么时候在哪里制作的?

  02 Useful Dialogue 实用对话   Stamp Collecting   Henry:I heard you had spent so much time and money in collecting stamps.   Maria:No, not so much, only in my spare time with fifty yuan on it a month.   Henry:When did you begin collecting stamps?   Maria:Since I was 8 years old.   Henry:Oh, you must have a big collection by now.   Maria:Yes, except those inherited from my father, I have fifty albums of stamps.   Henry:Fifty!Great!And I think you must be a millionaire now.   Maria:Yes, but not a millionaire of money, but of spirit, say, from it I've learned a lot of knowLEDge, seen many beautif places and made a great deal of friends and so on.   Henry:What you've said makes me itch to have a go.Is it too late for me to collect stamps now?   Maria:No, not late at all.“The latecomers surpass the old-timers.”Have you ever heard the saying?   Henry:Yes, I do hope so!
  西安美联英语老师译文:   集邮   亨利:我听说你在集邮上花了许多时间和金钱。   玛丽亚:不,不算多。我只是利用业余时间,每月只花50元钱。   亨利:你什么时候开始集邮的?   玛丽亚:8岁。   亨利:噢,到现在你一定集了很多吧。   玛丽亚:是的,除了继承我爸爸的那些以外,我已经有50本邮册的邮票了。   亨利:50本!了不起!我想你现在一定是个百万富翁了。   玛丽亚:是的,但不是金钱上的百万富翁,而是精神上的百万富翁。比如说,我从中学到了许多知识,看到了许多美丽的地方,交了许多知心朋友等。   亨利:噢,你的话使我跃跃欲试。对我来说,现在开始集邮晚吗?   玛丽亚:不,一点都不晚。“后来者居上”,你没听说过吗?   亨利:听过,但愿如此!   以上就是西安美联英语小编为您整理的关于集邮的英语对话,西安美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入西安美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
发布时间:2022-06-22 21:43  点击:81

