关于旅游英语收集信息-上海朗阁培训Have you found the Pietures on the Interner? 你在网上找到那些图片了吗?
You can find the information about your tour onthe Internet as much as possible. 你可以在网上找到关于你的旅行的尽可能多的信息。
Maybe you can make a telePhone call to the travelagency. 也许你可以给旅行社打个电话。
You will regret if you miss rhe beauty sPot. 如果你错过景点.你会后悔的。
Please be eareful when you elimb the mountain. It, dangerous. 爬山的时候你要小心,它很危险。
There are shoPs on the toP of the mountain,so youneedn’t bring much food. 山顶上有小店.所以你没必要带很多食物。
The water there is very exPensive You,d betterbuy enough water here. 那里的水很贵。你比较好在这里购买足够的水。
Could you tell me which tour isthe best for thisSeason? 你能告诉我哪一种旅行在这个季节是比较好的吗?
Can you introduce sone of you rtours to me? 你能给我推荐一些你们的旅行(线路)吗?
Can I have some information about going sight-seeing? 给我一些出去观光的信息,可以吗?
Do you have a full一day/lalf-day/night/morning tour? 你们有全天游/半日游/夜游/清晨游吗?
How long does it take to comPlete the tour? 完成旅行要多长时间?
Situationa Diaogues情景对话 Jesse:we're considering sPending several weeks you have any sPeeials on this?
Julia:We have a fly一and一drive fly youthere,have a rented ear waiting for you,andwe book all the hotels for you.
Jesse:Sounds good How mueh is that?
Julia:That depends on how many is a flexible Plan.
Jesse:We will think it over at home and let you know.
Julia:Here 15 my business me anytimewhen you need further information.
上海朗阁培训小编译文: 杰西:我们想到日本度几周假。你们有什么特别推荐吗?
发布时间:2022-06-23 17:54 点击:119