








  Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   公司应该终生雇用员工。你的观点如何?请用具体的理由和事例来说明。
  “Success is a science;” Oscar Wilde once said. “If you have the conditions, you get the result.” What conditions must be present for a person to work diligently and productively? According to renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow's “Hierarchy of Needs,” our first required condition is physiological-we need food, water, and oxygen just to exist. But next up on the pyramid is the concept of “safety”-“security of body,employment, resources, morality, the family, health, property.” In a person's professional career, the need for “safety” is paramount if the worker is to be both satisfied and productive. Hence, it is a company's duty to offer new employees a place to work for the rest of their lives.
  For one thing, an employee who feels secure in his or her job will be more likely to work smarter, not harder. With the freedom of security, an employee can devote his or her time to devising creative solutions to knotty problems, without fear that one failure will lead to severance. For example, many organizations institute some kind of “suggestion box” by which they encourage employees to speak up when they see a need for a change. An insecure employee is certainly not going to share any negative criticisms with managers who have the power of reprisal. Secure workers, on the other hand, will be much more likely to openly broach their concerns to upper management.
  Such a sense of security also results in another critical characteristic of successful companies: employee loyalty. When the secure worker solves a problem or designs an innovative product, he or she is much less likely to take that novel idea and sell it to another company. Likewise, if the company is going through bad times, employee loyalty will have a major imPACt on how quickly the company bounces back from an economic downturn.
  Of course, there is no guarantee that any company-whether it promises its employees job security or not-will always be able to make good on that pLEDge. (Just imagine how the loyal employees of Enron felt in 2001 when their CEO Kenneth Lay announced that the company was bankrupt and their life savings were gone.) Nevertheless, a company must at least attempt to provide its employees with life-long job security, else why consider working there at all?
发布时间:2022-06-24 12:13  点击:85

