商务函电是指在日常的商务往来中用以传递信息、处理商务事宜以及联络和沟通关系的信函、电讯文书。常用的商务信函主要有商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函和联系函等。山木英语为您提供各种商务函电的范文及常用句式,本篇告诉您怎么用英语征求意见公司员工对公司及经营情况的了解要比你想象的多得多,因此,向公司员工征求如何改进公司的意见一定会对公司有益。 常用句型 Useful Sentences
1. I need your input in the form of suggestions.我想要你在这个意见表中填写一些意见。 2. Your suggestions will be appreciated.(我们)将非常感谢您提出的意见。 3. Any suggestions you make will be carefully considered.我们会认真考虑您所提出的任何意见。 4. Our employees are our greatest asset and we need your help in making life and business here better for everyone.我们的员工是我们的宝贵财富,因此,我们需要你们的帮助,以使大家在这里更好地工作与生活。 5. We need your suggestions!我们需要你们的意见! 6. Your suggestions can make a difference.你们的意见非常重要。 7. If you have any suggestions at all,whether large or small,please email me at this address.如果你们有什么意见,无论事关巨细,敬请给我发邮件到这个地址。 8. As soon as you give us your suggestions we will take the time to carefully consider them一旦你们提出意见,我们就会花时间认真考虑。 9. A suggestion made could be a suggestion used.每一个意见都有可能被采纳。 10. Have you ever thought of a way of improving our business?If so,why not write it down and put it in our suggestion box.你是否考虑过改善我们的经营方式?如果是这样,请写下你的具体意见,然后投到我们的意见箱里。 经典范文 Model
Subject : Employee suggestions
Dear Colleagues,
We have decided to implement an employee suggestion email box. We know how valuable you are to us and therefore, we value any suggestion you make that will make life easier for each of us and make our business more economical, efficient and productive. In order to encourage employees to take part, we will introduce a system of financial rewards in keeping with any costs saved or profits increased. If you have any suggestions at all, whether large or small, please email me at this address.
Good luck! Ken Sh 主题:员工们的意见 致全体员工: 我们已经决定建立一个员工意见邮箱。我们非常了解大家对我们的重要性,因此,我们珍视大家提出的每一项意见,这些意见将会使我们每一个人在公司的工作更愉快,同时使我们的经营更经济、更高效,且更有效益。为了鼓励所有员工参与,我们将引入一套奖励机制,对于任何降低成本或增加盈利的意见给予奖金奖励。 如果你们有什么意见,无论事关巨细,敬请给我发邮件到这个地址。 祝万事如意! 肯·石
发布时间:2022-06-24 19:33 点击:83