商务函电是指在日常的商务往来中用以传递信息、处理商务事宜以及联络和沟通关系的信函、电讯文书。常用的商务信函主要有商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函和联系函等。新世界教育为您提供各种商务函电的范文及常用句式,本篇告诉您怎么用英语介绍新信息所谓更新就是提供关于某事发展的新信息。 常用句型 Useful Sentences
1. This is just the latest news about…这就是关于……的新消息。 2. I thought I would keep you up-to-date about…我想我会让你随时了解……的新情况。 3. This is an update about…这是……的新消息。 4. I thought I would let you know the present situation about…我想我会让你了解关于……的新情况。 5. I thought I would let you know what is happening about…我想我会让你了解关于……的新进展。 6. This is just to let you know what is happening about…这正是让你了解……的新进展。 7. I thought I would keep you posted about…我会及时通知你有关……的消息。 8. The latest information we have about…我们所掌握的有关……的新消息。 9. We thought you would like to know how…is going.我们认为你愿意了解…的进展。
经典范文 Model Subject : Update on Xiamen Woods development Dear Mr. Pan,
During our visit last spring you expressed an interest in further progress at Xiamen Woods. We are now in Phase IV of the development, which includes a comprehensive recreation center. We have also begun construction of a new section of colonial style town houses with six different elevations and floor plans to meet any family's needs. I have attached a brochure and would welcome information. Please feel free to stop by and see a call from you for any further what's happening at Xiamen Woods
Yours sincerely, Claire XL 主题:关于“厦门丛林”项目的新进展 亲爱的潘先生:
在您去年春天到访时,您曾表示过有兴趣了解“厦门丛林”项目的进一步发展。我们目前正处于第四期开发阶段,这主要包括一个综合性的娱乐中心。同时我们也已经开工兴建一个新的部分,即具有美国早期殖民地建筑风格的联排别墅,其中包括6种不同的建筑外观及户型方案,以迎合不同家庭的需要。 我已经附上了我们的宣传册,并欢迎您致电咨询进一步的信息。随时欢迎您到访,了解“厦门丛林”项目的新进展。 克莱尔·许谨启
发布时间:2022-06-24 19:41 点击:90