商务函电是指在日常的商务往来中用以传递信息、处理商务事宜以及联络和沟通关系的信函、电讯文书。常用的商务信函主要有商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函和联系函等。美联英语为您提供各种商务函电的范文及常用句式,本篇告诉您欢迎用英语怎么说我们欢迎来访者、客人、新员工以及陌生人,使他们有宾至如归和被重视的感觉。 常用句型 Useful Sentences
1. Welcome to… 欢迎光临… 2. We hope that you will enjoy your stay with us.我希望你和我们相处得愉快。 3. We are happy to have you on board.我们很高兴你能和我们在一起。 4. We are really glad that you have decided to join us.我们真的很高兴你决定和我们在一起。 5. We are pleased that you have joined us and look forward to a pleasant and long association with you.有你和我们在一起,我们倍感荣幸,并且,我们期待着与你保持长期的、友好的关系。 6. You are very welcome to come and see me at any time.随时欢迎你过来看望我。 7. You are always welcome in my office at any time.随时欢迎你来我的办公室。 8. On behalf of the company I would like to welcome you.我谨此代表我们公司欢迎您。 9. It is my great pleasure to welcome you to…您能光临……,我感到非常荣幸。 10. It affords me great pleasure to welcome you to…您能光临……,真是我莫大的荣幸。 经典范文 Model Subject:Welcome to Shanghai Corporation! Dear Tim.
We are pleased you will be joining us as a manager in our produce division and anticipate your continued excellent work. To help you become better acquainted with the full range of our services,John Zhang will show you around the plant and truck terminal. Your major responsibility will be overseeing the inspection of all incoming and outgoing produce. We have also scheduLED a new employee orientation on June 2, at 10:00 . At the orientation you will receive information on Shanghai Corporation's benefits and investment opportunities. You will also be given a handbook which will cover holidays, manager expectations, and promotion information. We are pleased that you have joined us and look forward to a pleasant and long association with you.
Yours truly, Charles Wang
热烈祝贺埃瑞克·约翰逊,他新进被授予业界年度电视广告奖。刚从清华大学毕业不久的他,于2001年来我们公司工作,并且很快以其前卫的风格引起了许多作家和艺术家的关注。他说他喜欢在我们的乡村外景地工作,在那里,他和他的新娘能够感受到山峦所赋予的灵感。 该项大奖每年都会被授予运用视觉媒体创造出的比较具有影响力的广告。而这一奖项的得主是由业界的作家及艺术家投票选出的,埃瑞克将于2月举行的电影及电视作家年度颁奖宴会上接受此项大奖。 衷心祝福埃瑞克,你的未来一片光明。同时也祝福所有制定了现行审美标准的作家们。 万事如意
发布时间:2022-06-24 21:53 点击:83