随着年龄的增长,很多人都应该接收所在年龄段可做事情的知识,以下是由上海英语学校为您整理的关于年龄的雅思常见口语对话。do Chinese people usually get married? 中国人通常几岁结婚?
It depends on which part of China you have in mind. There is a gap between guys and girls too. In larger cities,girls usually get married at 25 and up. Guys,I don't know,maybe 30 and up. 这取决于您指的是中国哪个地区。男性和女性的结婚年龄也有差异。在大城市里,女孩通常在25岁以上结婚。男孩的话,我不确定,可能是30岁以上吧。
2. When do Chinese people usually learn to drive? 中国人通常几岁学驾车?
In official driving age is 18. But most people learn to drive when they are wellinto college. I currently do not have a driver's license. I think that learning how to drive is an essential and necessary skill. It is also a good way to become very familiar with traffic rules. 在中国,驾车的法定年龄是18岁。但是多数人在读大学时学习驾车。我暂时没有驾照.但是我认为驾驶是一个基本且必备的技能。学习交通规则也非常重要。
3. When can people smoke or buy alcohol in your country? 中国人几岁可以抽烟或者买酒?
From a legal standpoint,the permissible age to smoke cigarettes in China is many people start this habit before age 18. There is no official listed age to be able to buy alco-hol. 在中国,法定的可抽烟年龄是18岁,但很多人在18岁之前就已经开始抽烟。没有具体规定几岁可以开始买酒。
4 .At what age do people retire in your country? 中国人一般什么年龄退休?
In China,retirement age for women is 55 and for men is 60. But for people who run a pri-vate business,maybe later. In recent years,the Chinese government has been trying topropose a new law to extend the retirement age to several years beyond the current respec-tive ages. This proposal has faced much protest. I'm guessing that the reason behind the proposal is that government does not want to budget large pensions. 在中国。女性的退休年龄是55岁,男性是60岁。但是对于一些做生意的人来说。他们可能更晚退休。近几年,政府在研讨新政策,考虑把人们的退休年龄往后推几年,这引起了很大争议。我猜测这与政府无法支付巨额的养老金有关。
发布时间:2022-06-30 12:01 点击:99