1·He began his speech by citing a proverb. 他引用一句谚语作为演讲的开场白。
speech captured our attention. 他的演讲深深地吸引了我们。
3. His speech carried the audience. 他的演讲获得了观众的共鸣。
speech was punctured by bursts of laughter. 他的演讲被阵阵笑声打断。
5. She accompanied her speech with gestures. 她演讲附带着动作。
6. She is speaking with self-confidence. 她的演讲充满自信。
A: How did you like the English lecture contest by the first-year students? B :Very good indeed! A:Which did you like best? B:Well,the second was good,and the last onewas also interesting. And I especial I like the one with the title of“I want to fly.”He is got suchgood pronunciation! A:Yes,he also got the highest scores from the judgements! B:Our dean spoke highelyof his beautiful pronunciation and intonation. A: it's really a kind of enjoyment to listen to his speech.
A:你觉得一年级的英语演讲比赛怎么样? B:相当不错! A:你认为哪个比较好? B:哦,第二个挺好的,后一个也很有趣。我尤其喜欢那个题目为“我要飞翔”的。他的发音好极了。 A:是的,评委们给了他高分! B:我们的系主任对他的语音语调给予了很高的评价! A:听他的演讲确实是一种享受。
发布时间:2022-07-01 13:53 点击:130