关于在邮局的英语常用短句寄这个包裹需付多少钱? How much postage do I need to send this PACkage? How much does it cost to send this package? How much does it cost to mail this oversized postcard overseas? 这张超大明信片寄到海外要多少钱? What is the postage on a letter to the United States? 寄往美国的信要多少邮费?
我想寄航空邮件 I want to send/mail by air. I want to airmail it. I want to send it by air mail. You can mail it by Federal Express. 你可以用联邦特快寄。 You can mail this letter by certified mail. 你可以寄保价邮件。 You can send it by sea.你可以海邮。
不要忘记写回邮地址 Don't forget the return address! Don't forget to put stamps on your letter. 别忘了贴邮票。 Please use BLOCK CAPITALS. 请用大写印刷字体。
那里有一个集邮专柜。 They have a philately counter where he can buystamps for his collection. 那里有一个集邮专柜,他能在那儿买到他想收藏的邮票。 I'm crazy about collecting stamps. 我很喜欢集邮。 I want to buy the newly issued stamps. 我想买新发行的邮票。
发布时间:2022-07-01 23:27 点击:137