关于离别的英语常用短句该说再见了。 I'm afraid I must say goodbye. The time has come to say goodbye. I've come to say goodbye. 我是来告别的。 I'd like to say goodbye to you. 我想向你告别。 I'm really going to miss you. 我会很想你的。
你一定要走吗 Must you go? Can't you stay?不能留下吗? I'm sorry that you have to leave so early. 真遗憾你这么早就要走。
欢迎再来。 Drop in again whenever you have time. It's been lovely to see you again. Look forward to seeing you again.
祝你万事如意 All the best. Best wishes. Take care.保重。
祝你玩得愉快 Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your time there. Have a fun time.
请代我向你父母问好。 Please give my regards to your parents. All my love to your parents. Regards to your parents. Send your parents my best.
请保持联络。 Keep in touch. Stay in touch. Don't forget to write to me. Don't be a stranger. 别忘了我。
发布时间:2022-07-02 02:44 点击:111