托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,思贝奇英语小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于学术造假的托福作文范文。 [图片0]As is vividly depicted in the picture, a man is exertinghimself to grab the money in the air, with a voluminousbook in hand. On the book there are several big words-academic fraud. Obviously the painter intends to condemnthe intellectuals who barter their honesty for fame ormoney. Recently .mounting negative reports about someprestigious professors have aroused public concern overintellectual integrity. These professors, in spite of theirhigh reputation, are charged with plagiarizing others'research findings or fabricating scientific data. A reliablesurvey of 180 researchers indicates that approximately 60%of them confessed they paid to have papers published inacademic journals and that 40% of them said they oncecopied others' work. To make matters worse, scholarslacking professional integrity exert a bad influence on youngstudents, who follow the trend instead of pursuing innovation. There is no doubt that this phenomenon has blocked thecountry's scientific development. Therefore it's high timethat administration concerned took measures to curb themisconduct and encourage creativity in academic field. Toincrease transparency is of supreme importance, whichenables the government to oversee the researchers' eradication of academic dishonesty, I am convinced,will clear the obstacles that prevent us from becoming acountry of innovation and vitality.
如图中生动描绘的那样,一个人手中拿着一本大书,正使尽全身力气,想抓住空中的钱。在那本书上有几个大字—学术造假。显然,此图的作者想要谴责那些靠出卖诚信换取名誉和金钱的知识分子。 近,关于一些德高望重的教授们越来越多的负面报道,引起了公众对学术诚信的关注。尽管这些教授有很高的威望,却被指责剿窃他人的研究成果或者捏造科学数据。一项可信的调查表明,在被调查的180名研究者中,大约有60%的人承认他们花钱在学术杂志上发表过论文,40%的人承认他们抄袭过他人的著作。更糟糕的是,缺乏职业操守的学者对年轻学生造成了很坏的影响,在这种影响下,年轻学生也会随波逐流,而不是追求创新。 毫无疑问,这种现象阻碍了国家的科学发展。因此,有关管理部门应采取措施制止这种不正当的行为,并鼓励学术界的创造性。重要的是增加透明度,这样政府才能监管研究者的工作。我相信,根除学术造假行为会为中国成为一个有创新意识、充满活力的国家扫清障碍。
发布时间:2022-07-02 03:02 点击:117