A: Hi,I sure am glad to see you. B: Are you kidding me? Why do you say so?
A: You know, I'm about to graduate and I have to look for a job as soon as possible. But I haven't the faintest idea of how to go about finding a job. B: OK. Let me see where to start.
A: I guess first I should prepare a resume, right? B: Sure. You should include your name, address and phone number in your resume.
A: Then what else should I put into my resume? B: Your job objectives, of course. In other words, what kind of job are you searching for?
A: I got it. Then I should mention my educating background and working experience, should I? B: Yes. And don't forget to list them by date. Besides,you should begin with the most recent and then move backward.
A: I see. Is that all there is to it? B: No, it's also necessary to list a few related interests that are in some way connected to the jobs you want to take. A: Oh, good point. You mean here I should show off my special skills and talents to impress the boss.
B: You said it. At last you'd better attach a list of references to your resume. A: That's easy. B: And one more thing, smile widely! Because you are on your way to the job of your dreams. 英语基础能力偏弱的同学可以根据以下的翻译进行对比训练,基础较好的学员也不要松懈,看看你的理解和以下绍兴美联英语为你提供的关于找工作的英语情景对话翻译是否有偏差吧。 A:嗨,见到你真太高兴了。 B:逗我玩吧?为什么那么说?
A:你知道,我快要毕业了,而我得尽快找份工作,但我对如何着手找工作一无所知。 B:好吧,让我想想从哪儿开始。
A:我猜首先我应该准备一份简历,是不是? B:没错,你应该在简历当中写出你的名字、地址和电话号码。
A:还有什么应该写进简历呢? B:当然还有你的工作目标,换句话说,就是你要找什么样的工作?
A:我明白了,然后我还应该提及我的教育背景和工作经验,是不是? B:是,而且别忘了按时间列出来。而且,你应该从近的信息开始写,然后往回进行。
A:知道了,就这些了吗? B:不,还有必要列举一下和你想做的工作相关的兴趣爱好。 A:噢,有道理。你是说我应该显示一下我的特长和天赋,好让老板留住我。
B:对了,后你比较好给你的简历附上一些推荐人。 A:那简单。 B:还有一点,咧开嘴笑!因为你正迈向你梦想的工作。 以上就是绍兴美联英语小编为你整理的关于找工作的英语情景对话,商务英语更多地是传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法等等。需要参加商务英语辅导班的同学可以进入绍兴美联英语首页进行查看咨询。
发布时间:2022-07-02 05:56 点击:137