take the medicine according to the in-struction. 请按说明书服药。 2. Let me prescribe some medicine for you. 我来给你开些药。 3. What drug can reduce a fever? 有什么药可以退烧? 4. How many of these should I take? 这药我该服多少? 5. Does this drug have any side effects? 这种药有副作用吗? 6. I’ll write out a pre锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion for you. 我给你开个处方。
A:What's wrong with me,doctor? B:Well,Mr. Han,that's a nasty infection youhave. A: Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it? B:I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics and somecream to ease the itching and burning. A:OK. Thank you. B:The pharmacy will give you a discount since youcame to the clinic. A:Great. What floor is the pharmacy on? B:The first floor. I'll prescribe it now, so you canjust pick it up on your way out.
A:医生,我得了什么病? B:韩先生,你得了严重的感染。 A:有没有什么药可以治的? B:我给你开一些抗生素和一些药膏来止痒、减轻灼痛感。 A:好的,谢谢你。 B:你来这儿看门诊,所以药房会给你一些折扣。 A:太好了。药房在几楼? B:在一楼。我现在开个处方,你出去的时候可以顺便拿去买药。
发布时间:2022-07-02 08:21 点击:144