雅思作文提升可以从揣摩出色的雅思作文范文开始,在备考时一味地做真题是不可取的,也要多向出色的前辈学习才对,写作也要充分利用高分模版来达到事半功半的效果,所以,上海朗阁雅思小编就为大家准备了出色雅思作文范文,本篇是关于文化差异的雅思作文范文。 In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home . the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages? 高分范文 Global tourism is enjoying an UPSurge of popularity nowadays. However. this trend is accompanied with many complaints that similarities of the sceneries considerably reduce the delights of the travel. Globalization. in my mind, is the greatest culprit.As is calLED, globalization unifies the world in many different aspects. Girls in Shanghai can be witnessed to have the same street look as those in Paris and Milan;KFC & Pizza Huts are popular in Bangkok as they are back in California; the amazing film (2012) preemed internationally at the same moment. Tourist attractions. cannot escape from this sweeping trend. Therefore, it is quite normal to hear the comment from a tourist in Hong Kong. claiming that what he/she has seen is just the same as in Tokyo.
This phenomenon. to me. is a depressing one. People may have sacrificed too many of their culture identities for this. Culture is our ancestors' most treasurable heritage that is supposed to be passed on from generation to generation. It would be disastrous if people could only recall those busy shopping streets instead of thetraditional lanes and houses after their trip in Shanghai. And I remember how frustrated I was when I found most of the souvenirs in the Island Bali could be bought back in Shanghai - those delicate wooden sculptures really seemed far less appealing to me.
Since the trend of globalization is inevitable. I suggest that both the local government and the public make joint efforts in protecting and preserving their unique cultural features. Otherwise. global tourism would eventually turn to be boring and pointless. 上海朗阁雅思小编为大家整理关于文化差异的雅思作文范文中的高分词汇,帮助大家理解范文,同时建议大家多学习范文中高分词汇的用法,拿下高分。
similarity 相似性,类似性 The similarity between them has often been remarked on.
outweigh 重于,大于,超过 balance,his accomplishments outweigh his faults.
upsurge 急剧增长,上升 These new ideas gave rise to a new upsurge of national feeling.
accompany 陪伴,陪同,伴随……同时发生 They had required that we should accompany them on the trip. 以上就是上海朗阁雅思小编为大家整理的关于文化差异的雅思作文范文,建议在话题内容、结构框架、文字素材方面进行全面归纳。
发布时间:2022-07-02 09:16 点击:125