1. My car needs a tune-up. 我的车子需要调校。
2. My car keeps leaning to the right. 我的车子老是向右偏。
3. I’d like to buy some parts for my car. 我想为我的车子买些零件。
4 .This model wes recalLED by the manufacturer. 这一款车已经被汽车制造商召回了。
5. Your back tires are low on air. Let's get you fixed up. 你后轮的胎压不足。我来帮你修好。
6. These parts are under warranty, so you don'thave to pay. 这些零件还在保修期内,所以你不用付钱。
A : Are you looking for where to put the gas in? B:Actually,I was just checking over your engine. A:Is everything OK? B :Your car could use a tune-up. New plugs,air filter... basic maintenance stuff. A: But it'll run after I put in the gas,right? B:It'll run better after a tune-up. I also peeked un-der the car, and I noticed that your CV-joint boots are far gone.
A:你是在看汽油要从哪里加吗? B:其实我是在检查你的引擎。 A:都还好吗? B:你的车需要一番调校。换新的火花塞、空气过滤器......一些基本的保养。 A:不过车子加了油就能跑了,对吧? B:调校后会跑得更顺。我还瞄了一下车子底盘,注意到你的转向接头也磨损得差不多了。
发布时间:2022-07-02 13:35 点击:126