1 .Do you sell commemorative stamps here? 这儿卖纪念邮票吗?
2. Three fifty-cent stamps, please. 请给我3张50美分的邮票。
3. Shall I stick the stamps on the upper right cor-no r of the letter? 是不是要把邮票贴在信的右上角?
4. I need a fifty-cent stamp. 我需要一张50美分的邮票。
5. They're one dollar a piece. 每张1美元。
6. That comes to 3 dollars, please. 正好3美元。
A: What can I do for you? B: Yes,I'd like to buy some stamps. A:How many do you want to buy? B:I need eight stamps. A: Here you are. B:Thank you. By the way,would you tell me howmuch it is to send a postcard to Singapore? A: Sure. It will cost you five yuan. B:All right. I'd also like six five-yuan stamps for mypostcard.
A:我能为您做些什么吗? B:是的,我想买些邮票。 A:您要买多少张? B:我需要8张。 A:给您。 B:谢谢。顺便问一下,你能告诉我寄张明信片到新加坡多少钱吗? A:当然可以。要花费您5元。 B:好吧。我再要6张5元的邮票寄我的明信片。
发布时间:2022-07-02 14:31 点击:117