1. What is your hobby? 你的嗜好是什么?
2. What do you like to collect? 你喜欢收集什么?
3. He has a keen interest in collecting stamps. 他对集邮有强烈的兴趣。
4. I have heard you have a fine collection. 我听说你有很精致的收集品。
5. How did you collect the goods? 你是怎样收集东西的?
6. How much is your stamp collection worth? 你收集的邮票价值多少?
A: I've been told you have a good collection ofstamps. B:Yes. Collecting stamps in of great fun. What'smore,you can learn many things. A:Can I?How is ? B :You know commemorative stamps are printed tocommemorate certain historical events,impor-tant persons and etc. So stamps provide you withuseful insight into different things in the world. A:I see. Stamps cover a wide range of everything. B : So it is not too much to say that an album ofstamps is a small encyclopedia book.
A:你告诉过我你收集了很多邮票,是吧! B:对。集邮很有趣。另外,你还可以学到很多东西。 A:是吗?那怎么可能呢? B:你可知道纪念邮票是为纪念某些伟大的人物、事件等而印刷的。因此,邮票可以使你认识世界上许多不同的东西。 A:我明白了。邮票也包罗万象。 B:因此,说一本集邮册就是一本小的百科全书一点也不为过。
发布时间:2022-07-02 19:27 点击:146