1. We are using worms for bait. 我们用毛虫做饵。
2. I like fresh water fishing. 我喜欢湖钓。
3. I usually released the fish after I caught it. 我钓到鱼后,通常会放生。
4 .I never understand why they love fishing so much. 我永远也搞不懂为什么他们这么热爱钓鱼。
5. Isn't it difficult to learn how to fish? 学钓鱼不难吗?
6. John and I usually go fishing every weekend.
A:Hey,buddy. Are the fish biting today? B:Yes,they surely are. They are practically jumpingin the boat. A:Is that so? Well,what kind of bait are youusing? B:We're catching most of our fish with lures. A:lures? We're using live bait over here. B:What kind of live bait are you using? Worms orminnows? A:We're using worms. B : Are you having any luck with the worms? A:No .we haven't even gotten a nibble today.
A;嘿,老友,今天钓到鱼了吗? B:当然钓到了。它们正在船上活蹦乱跳呢。 A:是吗?你用的是哪种饵? B:大部分鱼都是用诱饵钓到的。 A:诱饵?我们这里用的是活饵。 B:你们用的是哪种活饵?毛虫还是小鱼? A:我们用毛虫。 B:今天用毛虫的运气如何? A:运气不好,整整一天鱼咬都没咬一下。
发布时间:2022-07-02 19:48 点击:122