1 .How can we play online games on computer? 如何玩在线网络游戏啊?
2 .He has turned his computer into an electronicplayground. 他已把他的电脑变成了电子游乐场。
3. We come here every other day to play net-work games. 我们隔天就来这儿玩网络游戏。
4 .We are hooked on online strategy games. 现在我们对在线策略游戏都上瘾了。
5. StarCraft can't compare with CS. 星际争霸无法同反恐相提并论。
6. Network games represent state-of-the-arttechnology. You can't simp份ignore them. 网络游戏代表了现代化科技,你不能只是简单地否定它们。
B:What kind of game do you like best? A: Role performance and comPETe against eachother in real time. B:My roommate always wants to play it. A:Yeah,my roommate likes to watch me play. Hesays it's like watching a movie. B:I've never seen such good graphics. A : And I've never heard such good sound in a on-line game.
B:你喜欢哪种游戏呀? A:角色扮演和即时对战。 B:我的室友总想玩它。 A:是吗!我的室友也喜欢看我玩。他说就像是看电影一样。 B:我从来没有看过这么好的画面。 A:我在网络游戏里也从来没有听过这么好的音乐。
发布时间:2022-07-02 20:06 点击:122