1 .There are about terracotta figures andhorses. 大概有6,00。件陶俑和陶马。
2. Let's go to our next scenery. 让我们去下一个景点。
3. Let's start with the Imperial Palace. 让我们先看故宫吧。
4 .The Summer Palace is one of the most fa-mous Imperial Gardens. 颐和园是中国知名的皇家园林之一。
5. It is the largest and most well-preserved impe-rial residence in China. 这是中国大、保存完整的皇宫建筑。
was also recognized as a world cultural leg-acy by UNESCO in 1988. 1988年它被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。
A: Hello,everybody,this is the Terracotta WarriorsMuseum. B:It's really big. There are so many exhibition halls. Which one should we go to first? A:Let's begin with the first pit. It was the first exhibi-tion hall opened to public. B:Is this the place that the terracotta warriors werediscovered? A:Yes,it's just here. B:Oh,how splendid!So many terracotta figures!
A:嗨,各位游客,这儿就是秦始皇兵马俑博物馆了。 B:这里可真大呀。这么多展厅,先看哪个呢? A:先看1号坑吧,这是早向公众开放的展厅。 B:这里就是发现兵马俑的地方吧? A:对,就是这里。 B:哇,太壮观了!这么多陶俑!
发布时间:2022-07-02 21:08 点击:126