1. Could you give me your student card?可以出示您的学生证吗? 2. Please take the ticket carefully, they need tobe examined in some scenic spots of the sce-nic area. 请拿好门票,景区内有一些景点需要验票。 3. Please take the ticket and this way. Have agood time! 请拿好票,往这边走。祝您玩得愉快。 4 .Sorry, your credential does not conform to thefree ticket stipulation. Please buy a ticket tothe ticket you. 对不起,您的证件不符合免票规定,请到售票处补票。谢谢。 5. The tickets are on sale now. 现正售票。 6. Sorry, tickets are already sold out. 抱歉,票全部卖完了。
A: Excuse me,two tickets please. B : Admission-only or all-inclusive? A : What does" all-inclusive" mean? B:It means if you buy an all-inclusive ticket, youcan visit whatever Scenic Spots you like inside the Scenic Area. A:Ok,I'll take two all-inclusive tickets. But how longis the ticket valid? B:only valid in today. A:Thank you.
A:你好,买2张票。 B:只要门票还是要通票? A:什么是通票? B:如果你买了通票,就可以参观景区内所有的景点。 A:好的,要2张通票,这票有效期多久? B:只在今天内有效。 A:谢谢。
发布时间:2022-07-02 21:11 点击:134