托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,上海英语学校小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于城市顽疾时刻的托福作文范文。Unbearable traffic jams and thorny housing scarcity in downtown areas have always been a persistent headache for modern people, and moving large companies to rural areas is regarded as an effective way to solve this problem. It is true that, by adopting such a policy, there will be less population overcrowding and private cars accordingly,but the following threats are frightening. Firstly, there are chances that the country will fall victim to this practice. As we know,overwhelming numbers of people and vehicles are the root cause of traffic congestion and housing problems. Of course, through the practice of moving companies, the stress upon urban cities will be alleviated considerably. Nevertheless, the vicious circle of more-people-leading-to-more-problems will be inevitably happening in the innocent countryside. Under tremendous pressure from the modern cities, farmers will find it more demanding to concentrate on their agrarian land. Air will not be pure any more,traffic will be no smooth any more, and what should people do then? Moreover, the traffic and housing problems can not be solved efficiently only based on migration. There is no denying that large companies with numerous employees pose a threat to transportation and accommodation, yet other causes should not be example, drivers and pedestrians are blind to traffic rules and regulations, causing frequent troubles in rush hours. Some unscrupulous developers of real estate will drive up the housing price to a ridiculous level, to which the masses cannot afford. If reasons leading to the problem are far from single, then how can moving companies to rural parts be a panacea once for all? Definitely, it is a complex issue to improve traffic and housing, and coordination between government and individuals is strongly recommended. If strict policies in traffic and housing issues are pursued and relevant instructions are strengthened, perhaps we can achieve a better efficiency.
令人无法忍受的交通堵塞、棘手的住房紧缺,这些都市顽疾时刻困扰着现代人。于是,一些人提出转移大公司至郊区是解决问题的有效方法。不可否认,这个方法会减少都市人口和私家车的数量,可随之而来的威胁也是惊人的。 首先,郊区很有可能成为这种做法的受害者。众所周知,过量的人口和车辆是交通拥挤、住房紧张的根本原因。当然通过转移公司,城市的压力可以大大地减轻。然而,这种由于人口增长引发的恶性循环不可避免地会再现于淳朴的农村。过去只有在城市才有的压力会使农民发现要想耕地是多么的困难。空气不再纯净,交通不再通畅,到那时,人们又该何去何从呢? 再说,单凭转移这种做法也很难从根本上有效地解决交通拥挤与住房紧缺问题。不可否认,大公司因其众多的职员对出行和住房问题造成威胁,但是,其它一些原因也不能忽视。例如,高峰期司机和路人不遵守交通规则常常导致拥挤;一些不良房地产开发商哄抬房价,平常百姓只能望房兴叹了。问题的原因多种多样,转移公司绝非一劳永逸的灵丹妙药。
发布时间:2022-07-02 21:57 点击:128