









  At present, never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract oureyes. Many educators and parents present their opinions from different angles. AsI see it, there are the three following factors contributing to this risk and also, threesolutions can be outlined respectively.   As for its causes, I think that three reasons are worth mentioning. To beginwith, people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world. Theeducation children receive today is different from that of their parents, thus causingthat parents want their children to follow the traditional values they regard necessaryand children are often inclined to discard the traditional values as a rebellion. So,conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable. In addition, lack ofcommunication also accounts for the fact. Many parents fail to realize the importanceof communication and in their minds, children should obey them and it is , in children's minds, their parents do not value the modem development,advanced tech nology,ttheir real thoughts, to name just a few. Both parents andchildren do believe that they themselves are right. In this way, they do not want tocommunicate with each other. Finally, it is due to the big influence of media whichusually exaggerates the importance of individuality that many children regard rebellionagainst their parents as cool and fantastic. Hence, misunderstanding and prejudicewill be produced.   To solve this problem, I do believe the following measures should be , parents ought to communicate positively with their children and give them moreperson-to-person services. What is more, a looser educational environment shouldbe created in every family and free speech should be advocated. Last,a range ofknowLEDge should be given to children and they should be encouraged to understandtheir parents and think in their parents' positions.   In conclusion, only when these practical measures are taken will this problem bedealt with step by step and be gone with the wind.


  目前,代沟问题引起了社会的普遍关注。许多教育工作者和家长从不同角度发表了他们观点。在我看来,代沟问题的产生有三个主要因素,针对这些因素分别有三种解决办法。   究其起因,我认为有以下三点:首先,人们接受不同的教育,形成了不同的世界观。如今孩子们所受的教育跟他们父母当年完全不同,从而导致父母希望孩子遵守他们所信奉的传统的价值观念,而孩子则试图甩掉传统观念,他们认为这是叛逆的表示,所以,父母和孩子的冲突似乎在所难免。其次,父母和孩子之间缺乏沟通也是一个主要原因。许多父母没有认识到与孩子沟通的重要性。他们认为孩子就应该听父母的话,这是天经地义的,但是,孩子们却觉得父母不重视现代的发展,先进的技术,以及他们的真实想法等。父母和孩子都认为自己是正确的,这样一来,他们就更不愿相互沟通了。后一个原因就是媒体总是过分地夸大个人主义的重要性,这使得一些孩子认为跟父母作对是一件很棒的事。由此产生了误解和偏见。   我认为想要解决这些问题,应采取如下策略;第一父母要积极与孩子沟通,给他们面对面的帮助。再有,每一个家庭都要营造出轻松的教育环境,提倡自由发言。后,应该给孩子广泛的知识,鼓励他们理解父母,从父母的角度出发去考虑问题。   总的说来,只有采取了上述措施,代沟问题才能逐步得到解决,并终消失。
发布时间:2022-07-03 01:05  点击:121

