1. Part of the motor is loose.部分发动机零件松了。 2. I bought a air-conditioner.我买了台空调。 3 .Everything from an iron through a vacuumcleaner to a cooker is new.
从熨斗到吸尘器,再到炊具,所有的东西都是新的。 current washing machine is quite old andhas some problems.
她现在那台洗衣机很旧了,有些毛病。 5. Household appliances don't seem to last for along time nowadays.
现在的家用设备好像都用不了多长时间。 6. Does your tape recorder run on batteries oron mains electricity?
A:Good morning. I understand that you've got aproblem with your washing machine. I'm fromthe repair company. B:Excellent. Come in please. The washing machineis in the bathroom UPStairs. It keeps breakingdown. A:When did it first break down? B:about ten days ago. Sometimes it works andsometimes it doesn't. It's very frustrating. A: Is it still under warranty? It it is and I can't fix it,itwould be quicker and easier to exchange it for anew one.
A:早上好。听说你的洗衣机出毛病了。我是修理公司的。 B:太好了。请进。洗衣机在楼上的浴室里。它老是坏。 A:第一次出问题是什么时候? B:大概10天前,有时转有时不转。让人很烦。 A:还在保修期内吗?如果还在保修期内,我又不能修好,换个新的就是更快更好的办法。
发布时间:2022-07-03 06:12 点击:135