托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,上海英语学校小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于关于体育课的雅思作文范文。It is true that there is increasing pressure on schools today to prepare their students for work in the twenty-first century. As a result, physical education is losing ground in the school curriculum to employment-related subjects like business and some academic subjects. While many see this shift as inevitable, I would argue that physical education is a vital part of the school program and should be maintained. Sport and PE add variety to the curriculum, broaden the students' experience and teach essential life skills. Within the school day, students need physical activity to balance the long hours sitting at desks. PE provides a break from the mental focus of academic subjects. A good PE program should include a variety of sports plus non-comPETitive activities like dance and aerobics so that students can experience exercise as both challenging and fun. There is a growing concern among parents and educators about obesity in children. Many young people have sedentary lifestyle that revolves around TV, computers andbeing driven in cars. Physical education ensures that all students get some form of regular exercise during the school day. In addition, they learn about the importance of looking after their bodies. In conclusion, physical education programs in schools are not only worth maintaining, but should also be developed. only in this way, can students be happier, healthier and more productive at school. They will grow into adults who value fitness and enjoy participating in sport. These are lessons for a lifetime, as important as any subject on the school curriculum.
毋庸置疑,现在,为了使学生能在21世纪为就业做好充分准备,学校承受着越来越大的压力。因此,为了使学生有更多的时间学习那些与就业相关的课程,如贸易和一些主要教育科目,学校渐渐取消了体育课。一些人认为这种改变是不可避免的。我并不赞成这个观点,因为体育课是学校教育计划中重要的一部分,应该保留;体育课给课程设置增添了多样性,拓展了学生的经历,并且能教会他们一些基本的生活技能。 在学校里,学生们需要通过体育锻炼来平衡和缓解他们长时间学习的疲劳状况,并且将注意力从主课中转移开来,休息片刻。所以,一个好的体育课设置应该包括一系列的体育活动以及一些非竞争性的活动,比如跳舞和有氧健身操,这样才能使学生们在锻炼中体验竞争与快乐。 家长和教育家们日益关注着青少年的肥胖问题。很多青少年都有不良的久坐的生活习惯,比如整天围在电视、电脑旁边或是长时间开车。体育课可以确保所有的学生都能在学校里得到按时而有规律的锻炼。而且,他们从中也可以学到健身的重要性。 总之,学校体育课的设置不仅值得保留,而且应该被进一步完善,只有这样我们的孩子在学校才能越来越开心、健康且有活力。在孩子成年之后,他们会爱惜身体,积极参与体育活动。因此,体育课对于人的一生来讲,是和那些主课具有同等重要性的课程。
发布时间:2022-07-03 23:52 点击:129