口语测试是雅思考试中的一大重要部分。为了方便同学们的复习,珠海启德教育小编为大家准备了有关雅思口语的出色模板,希望为大家的雅思复习提供帮助,本篇是关于书籍的雅思口语模板。讲述这本书的内容以及这本书给自己带来的影响是回答此类命题的核心环节,考生也可以把何时何地阅读过此书以及书的作者和创作年代等相关背景信息进行简单的介绍。笔者认为名人自传以及童话故事书比较容易介绍。 真题实例
Describe your favourite book. You should say: what the book is calLED when you read it what it is about and explain why you like this book. You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish. 回答范例 I like reading. And I have been interested in reading books since I was a child. What interests me most are the lives of famous people. Among biographies and autobiographies, I like the Autobiography of Helen Keller best. The books told me a legendary life of a handicapped girl, Helen Keller. She was normal at birth, but she became ill when she was 18 months old. After her illness, she couldn't hear, speak or see. When I read this, I really could not understand how she survived. Of course, she was depressed for a long time. One day, another woman came into her life. The woman played an important role in her life. She helped Keller to become one of the strongest people in the world. From this book, I learned about Helen Keller's spirit. I learned about her determination to overcome her difficulties and her optimistic attitude towards life. 加分提示
★autobiography n.自传文学 ★legendary life传奇般的人生 ★handicapped adj.残疾的 ★survive v.生存,存活 ★depressed adj.沮丧的,消沉的 以上就是珠海启德教育为您整理的关于书籍的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们。
发布时间:2022-07-04 04:28 点击:124