雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,深圳启德教育小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于农村学生上大学的雅思作文范文。Nowadays, an increasing number of students from rural areas have no access to university education, so some people contend that universities should offer especially easy opportunities for them to study at. I disagree with this opinion. For every student, the opportunity should be equal. Privileges should not exist either for the poor or for the rich. I do not deny the fact that it is difficulty for the students from poor background to have access to university education, but it cannot be the reason to sacrifice fairness at the expense of millions of other students. Actually, we can find some other approaches to fill the gap between the students from rural areas and students in cities. Firstly, the government should allocate more money for the education infrastructure constructions and facilities there. That will solve the problem from the roots. Secondly, we may send some excellent teachers to work in rural areas for one year or two. These teachers will bring the best learning methods to students from poor background. At the same time, the government should also take out some capital for the training of those teachers in rural areas. only when the levels of teachers are improved, can the good achievements of the students there be a reality. And they will not feel it difficult to get access to university education. So after pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that we should try our best to improve the study condition of rural areas. Privileges will not be good for those poor students' future development. Just as buildings will collapse soon if based on sand so without a solid foundation, students will lag behind even if they are allowed to study further.
如今,越来越多的农村地区的学生没有机会接受大学教育,因此一些人认为大学应该给这些学生提供特别容易的学习机会。我不同意这个观点。 对于每个学生来说,机会应该是均等的。特别待遇不应该存在,不管是对贫穷的还是富有的。我不否认贫困学生确实很难有机会接受大学教育,但这不应该成为牺牲成千上万其他学生公平竞争机会的理由。 实际上,我们可以找到其他的一些途径来弥补农村和城市学生之间的差距。首先,政府应该拨出更多的资金,用于那里的教育基础设施的建设和设备方面。这将从根本上解决问题。其次,我们可以派遣一些出色的教师到农村地区工作一两年。这些老师会把比较好的学习方法带给这些背景贫穷的学生。同时,政府也应该拿出一些资金培训那些农村地区的教师。只有老师的水平提高了,那里的学生取得好成绩才是现实。他们也不会感到很难有机会接受大学教育了。 反复考虑这个问题之后,我后得出一个结论,那就是我们应当努力改善农村地区的学习环境。特别待遇对那些贫穷的学生将来的发展没有好处。就像建筑物,如果是建在沙滩上,很快就会坍塌。如果没有坚实的基础,就算可以接受更高的教育,学生们还是会落在后面。
发布时间:2022-07-04 04:30 点击:130