英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。沈阳美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:关于保险费率的英语对话。A:Though I have effected insurance for quite a few times .there isstill one thing I am not sure. B:What is it? A:What do you think are the main factors that determine the pre-mium rates'! B:First .I think it is the carrying its age,classification. ownership and management. And the second is PACking. A:Packing should be seaworthy for strong enough to endure roughhandling. B:In some is. But not for air freight and container ship-ment,they tend to require less packing. A:How about the type of merchandise to be shipped! B:It must be considered. because some goods are more vulnerableto damage. A:I guess the distance of transportation and modes of transportalso influence the rates. B:Right. Sometimes, underwriters charge you at a higher premiumjust because the goods are easily to be damaged or get stolen. A:Are there close connections between the types of risks and thepremium'! B:Yes .the more expensive cover is required .the higher the pre-mium rate is. A:If the goods to be shipped are premium rate aga-inst all risks including breakage differs great扮from that excludingit. B:Last but not the least .the volume of cargo. That means a sub-stantial shipment may get more favorable premium. A:I am clear about the rates now. I really appreciate your help. B:I'm entirely at your service.
A:虽然我曾经办过几次保险,但仍有一事不是很了解。 B:什么问题? A:你认为决定保险费率的主要因素有哪些? B:首先,我认为是运载船只的情况。比如它的船龄,类型,船主及管理。其次就是包装。 A:包装应适合海运或足够坚固。经得住野蛮装卸。 B:在某种情况下不是这样的。空运和集装箱运 输就不是这样,它们往往要求较少的包装。 A:装运商品的类型有关系吗? B:当然需要加以考虑。因为有些产品更易破损。 A:我想运输距离和方式也会影响费率的。 B:是的。有时候保险商会因为发运货物易受损 或易被偷窃,而收取较高的保险费。 A:保险险种和费率之间关系密切吗? B:是的,保险范围越广,保险费率就越高。 A:如果所投保的货物是玻璃制品,投保包括破碎险在内的一切险种与不包括破碎险的相比有 很多的区别。 B:后一点重要的是商品数量。就是说大批量 的货物运输可能获得更优惠的保险费率。 A:现在我清楚了。感谢你的帮助。 B:愿意为您效劳。
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