关于广告的雅思口语模板 说起广告,怕考生空谈其影响或利弊。考生需了解消费者的心理,如他们对商品的渴望引发了广告市场的繁盛,看 广告不仅是了解产品,更是欣赏创意等。当然也可以描述广告的副作用,北京津桥国际教育小编举例:如夸大产品功效而引起误解,甚至错误使用,尤其是某些不适当广告画面对于孩童的心理影响。这几点都是在口才上战胜对方的利器。下面是北京津桥国际教育小编为您整理的关于广告的雅思口语模板,让我们一起来看看吧。 开口试试看: Hon do you feel about advertisement?I don't think it is bad even though it's a bit annoying nowadays. Advertisement is quite an essential way for consumers to make decisions. For is just the perfect time filler between the programmes.
亮点1 ad广告,是advertisement的简称。
亮点2 time filler:消磨时间的东西,填充空白时间的东西。
What are the effects that advertisements have on people? Apparently people will be guided or even manipulated by all see the shinning points of products and we naturally believe it is worth purchasing or considering about buying. That's the magic trick advertisements play. I'm not saying it's not real, I mean they only emphasize the good part to direct consumers' attention and judgements.
亮点1 manipulated:被摆布的,被操纵的。
亮点2 direct consumer's attention and judgements:引导消费者的注意力和判断力。注意,我用的是direct,可没用mislead,所以在句中的感情色彩完全是中立、客观的。
发布时间:2022-07-04 20:46 点击:117