英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。无锡韦博英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:关于熟悉办公事务的英语对话。A:I’m going to have to change my meeting schedule this afternoon. Pleasecall ’s secretary. I need to meet with him about the budgetprojections ASAP. B:Don’t worry about the appointment schedule. I made arrangementsalready. I took the liberty of arranging your meeting with Mr. Gilbert. Will3 pm be okay for you? If not,I can call to postpone the meeting. A:Oh,great! Thanks! 3 pm is fine. That will give me enough time to reviewour financial information. B:I’d be happy to give you a summary of our financial department’ssituation. Let me give you a brief summary of what we've been up to thisweek. A:Go ahead... B:Here’s an update of our budget projections. And we’ve also completedthe internal audits. A:Do you have a hard copy of that I can take with me to my meeting? B:I've already thought of that. I've made a PPT presentation you can take withyou and show them,and I've made several copies you can hand out. A:I knew there was a reason I hired you!
A:我下午会议的时间必须要改了。请打电话给Gilbert先生的秘书,说我需要就预算规划项目与他尽快碰面。 B:不必担心会面时间,我都已经安排好了。在您与Gilbert先生会面的安排上,我争取到了充分的自由。下午3点合适吗?如果不行,我可以打电话推迟。 A:哦,太好了。3点钟就行。这样我就有充分的时间来审阅我们的财务信息。 B:我给您一份我们财务部门情况总结吧。让我来简单总结一下这个星期我们取得的进展。 A:请吧…… B:这是一份近更新的预算规划,我们也完成了内部审计。 A:有没有一份我可以带到会上的复印件? B:我已经想到了。我做了一个幻灯片演示,您可以带上给他们演示,而且我复印了好几份,您可以分发。 A:我就知道雇你肯定没错!
发布时间:2022-07-04 22:07 点击:125