关于偷税漏税的考研英语看图作文范文考研英语的看图作文是重中之重,对于这种模式作文一定要有感觉,要注重语言的多变性。考研英语作文写作能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程,因此,考试前几个月适当背一些实用看图作文范文 是有好处的,至少速度都要提高好多。下面是北京文都考研小编为您整理的关于偷税漏税的考研英语看图作文范文。
As is depicted in the above drawing,the waiter offerscokes to the diner in condition that the latter gives up theinvoice after dinner. Many customers may have undergonesimilar experiences in restaurants.
The drawer highlights the long-standing issue ofrestaurant's tax evasion. Initially,customers didn't have thehabit of claiming invoices,so restaurants were able to evadetaxes. With the public awareness of tax liability enhanced,restaurants cannot simply refuse to provide invoices. As aresult,they come up with the trick mentioned above to bribethe customers. It indeed works since many people demandinvoices only in the hope of winning a prize,which has aslim chance. So they may prefer some gifts,such as problem of tax evasion remains unsolved.
Therefore,immediate measures should be taken to solvethe problem of restaurant's tax evasion. To begin with,those who deliberately dodge taxes should be severelypunished. In addition,individuals are supposed to defendtheir legal right to claim invoices in spite of the PETtyeconomic bribes. They should always keep nationalinterests in mind. Admittedly,it will take a long time tofinally resolve the problem.
漫画的作者在此强调了饭店偷税这一长期存在的问题。初的时候,顾客并没有索要发票的习惯,饭店得以成功逃税。随着公众纳税意识的提高,饭店不能再简单地拒绝提供发票了。因此,他们想 出了上述办法来贿赂消费者。这招确实管用,因为很多人索要发票只是为了中奖,而中奖的几率很低,所以他们就会选择饭店赠送的礼品,比如可乐。这样逃税的问题依然存在。
因此,应当立即采取措施解决饭店逃税的问题。首先,应当严厉地惩罚故意偷税漏税的人。其次,尽管有一些小恩小惠,大家也应该捍卫自己索要发票的合法权利,应该时刻牢记国家的利益。当然 我们也得承认,终解决这一问题还需要很长的时间。
发布时间:2022-07-05 09:13 点击:126