托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于幸福的托福作文范文。Does money buy happiness? No! Ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? Many of us smirk and nod. There is, we believe, some connection between fiscal fitness and feeling fantastic. Most of us would say that, yes, we would like to be rich. Three in four American collegians now consider it “very important” or “essential” that they become “very well-off financially”。Money matters.
Well, are rich people happier? Researchers have found that in poor countries, being relatively well-off does make for greater well-being. We need food, rest, shelter and social contact. But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life's necessities, increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. The correlation between income and happiness is “surprisingly weak” . once comfortable, more money provides diminishing returns. The second piece of pie, or the second $100,000, never tastes as good as the lottery winners and the Forbes' 100 wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American. Making it big brings temporary joy.
But in the long run, wealth is like health: its utter absence can breed misery, but having it doesn't guarantee happiness. 资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以为您提供关于幸福的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。
从长远来说,财富就像健康一样,失去它的人定会感到不幸,而拥有它的人却未必一定幸福。 认为,托福写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。小编希望本篇关于幸福的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。
发布时间:2022-07-05 12:06 点击:117