








  想要取得写作的高分希望大家一定要重视写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下写作技 巧是什么,深圳汉普森英语小编为您提供作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于报纸的影响的作文范文。
  As one of the major channels for people to be informed of current affairs, it is no exaggeration that newspapers have played an indispensible part in urban popularity of paper lies in the fact that it is relatively cheap and advanced technology-free,thus providing an easier access to people even without decent education. As a more popular means of obtaining news compared with other means of media. such as the is weightier in shaping people's ideas toward certain events around the this imPACt is not always positive.   Thanks to the fierce comPETition in news circle, some unconscientiously journalists always fabricate sham news to boost the circulation of newspapers and magazines. It is no secret that more prints mean more profits. Driven by this utilitarian intent, of course,journalists will report some fascinating but false news to the public, who fall victim to this ractice and make wrong decisions accordingly. Statistics show that in 2007 alone,about 10% of news published is far from true.   Furthermore. against different backdrops of cultures. news will take on diverse or even conflicting forms even from the same source, causing considerable confusion among the audience. For example, as for a war in a region. if news is reported from one the war will be denounced as a sheer invasion while otherwise the same thing willbe glorified as a liberation salvaging people from abyssal pains. If一hat is true, then people will be stuck in a dilemma as to which side is more trustful. so news report is rather a disturbance than clarity to convey valuable information.   On the other hand, strictly supervised by media watchdogs. news reporters more behave themselves, and are in line with objectivity and truth. Generally speaking, most newspapers serve as an efficient bridge between people and the rest of the world.   As society progressing, people are endowed with more various ways of accessing the latest news. and newspaper is just one of them. It is hoped that its major drawbacks abolished. newspapers can be more functional in people's lives.

  深圳汉普森英语资深老师认为,范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以深圳汉普森英语为您 提供关于报纸的影响的作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。

  作为人们了解时事的主要渠道,报纸在都市生活中起到了不可替代的作用。由于价格低廉,同时不需要高科技.即使没有受过教育的人也可以轻松阅读。与其他获取新闻的手段相比.例如互联网,报纸更能影响人们对于全球大事的看法.然而.这种影响并不总是积极的。   由于新闻界激烈的竞争.一些缺乏道德的记者通过编造假新闻的方式来提高报纸和杂志的发行量。很明显,更多的印刷意味着更多的利润。在这种功利主义的驱动下,记者就会向公众提供一些精彩却不真实的新闻。公众成为这种不良做法的受害者。进而根据这些新闻做出错误的判断。数据表明仅2007年一年,大约10%的新闻缺乏事实基础。   进一步说.由于文化背景不同.同样的新闻会呈现出不同或截然相反的报道方式,这会给观众造成极大的困惑。例如,对于同一个地区发生的战争.一些国家可能视其为完全的侵略,而另一些国家可能将其美化为拯救当地人民的解放战争。观众就会无比困惑,不知哪方的才更可信。新闻不但没有清楚地传递信息,反而制造更多的混乱。   另外一方面,新闻监督机关严格控制媒体.记者会更加自律,使新闻客观、以事实为基础。通常而言.大部分的报纸可以在人们与世界之间搭建一个有效的桥梁。   随着社会的进步.人们拥有更多的方式获取新闻。报纸只是其中一个手段。希望报纸能够除去其主要缺点.在人们的生活中起到更大的作用。
  深圳汉普森英语认为,所谓作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能 写出 好文,妙文。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖。作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍, 且暗合 英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,深圳汉普森英语小编希望本篇关于报纸的影响的作文范文能 给大家有所启发。
发布时间:2022-07-07 01:36  点击:113

